Knuckles, working now

They finally work. Great job. But in moondust (knuckles tech demo) the hands are static, without animation. Gestures work anyway.


How does one acquire some knuckles? :wink:


Developers can request them filling out the “hardware request” form on SteamWorks account

Can I… errr… pretend to be a developer?

I mean you can help develop some good feedback…or a review… hit me up valve!

I’ve requested one, hope I get one.

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Just download unity, anyone can be developer.

How I Can get one? I’m a real dev, on Unity and Wpf windows app. It’s Can be very usefull.

And not made of wood?

The only way to get them currently is to sign up for a hardware request on your steamworks account as previously said in the thread. If you provide a good enough reason for them to send you a pair they might, although the initial push of controllers seems to have stagnated quite a bit now.

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just subscribe to SteamWorks, fill out the hardware request, describe your project and wait. Valve processes them at its own discretion

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It’s normal Steamworks ask me to pay 100$ USD?

only if you want to publish your game on Steam

Mhhh, Now I don’t want to publish game, maybe later.
But, they ask me anyway… All steps image :

They changed how you publish games on steam lately, I don’t know how it is now but when I signed up it was free.

I mean the knuckles are mostly sent out so that you can use them in your game that you are going to release on steam. :wink:

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Ho damn, have you click on this three options?

I mean, it’s possibly that I signed up for a site license that made it free, you need to sign up as a developer and all I know is that it costs 100$ to publish to steam, but I thought you paid as you published not when you signed up.

But if they ask you to pay, it’s probably normal that they ask you to pay :slight_smile:

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yeah I see. Thanks !

Here guys: Steam :: SteamVR Knuckles Driver :: Knuckles EV3 - Dev-Kit Requests Open

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