Known bugs - Beta 0.18

There are a bunch of bugs and issues that are already known in the current version 0.18, let me list these:

  • Scrolling pages and game galleries is a bit glitchy.
    Its basically my own input handler script mixed with a free-to-use solution I found online and I haven’t figured out how to completely solve the scrolling and make it perfect. Earlier, I used a glitch-free Oculus SDK script for the input, but for obvious reasons we cant use Oculus/Steam SDK or libraries so we gotta make it “our own” way :slight_smile: This weekend I will have a chat with a developer that is willing to help me out with this issue.

  • Restart button disables Quit button.
    When Restart button in the UI is clicked once to reboot the application, the Quit button stops to work. Im looking into this atm…

  • Short freeze on startup.
    Upon starting VR Exp, there is a short freeze of image when loading and initiating all settings. I know the cause for this (its pre-loading profiles and all game thumbnails) but I need more time to find a way to run it as a co-routine that doesn’t freeze the image for a second or so. I know its annoying :slight_smile:

  • Some Oculus games doesn’t launch.
    Its mainly because the Pimax OVRLauncher doesn’t support every single Oculus game yet. Also, some Oculus games have issues with controller inputs. This is one of the reasons Im starting to work on a Revive-implementation into VR Experience, so you can automatically launch Oculus games with Revive directly from the VR Exp gallery, including its own profile and SteamVR optimization settings.

  • Sys Info bar says 3DOF tracking.
    This is not really a bug but a mistake by me not removing this status. It was used in the past but recently the PiTool devs removed the tracking status from the responses received from PiTool. And now it shows 3DOF because that was the default value if reported value was null (noob mistake hehe). It will be fixed soon.