[Kickstarter]ALL confirmed Kickstarter HMD's have been shipped!

Dear Futurists,

We have reached a new milestone: ALL confirmed Kickstarter HMD rewards have been shipped!

Note if you are one of the 301 backers who haven’t confirmed your address, please do reply our email! If we still can’t get your reply next week, we will have no choice but keep bugging you via emails and phone calls.

If you have any question or comment, please do not hesitate to click the link here: https://pimaxvr.com/pages/feedback

The whole support team together with the production, R&D, Marketing, and Pimax management team at both our HQs and Florida office are looking forward to work together with you to make VR experience greater!

As the first group of 2.0 VR enthusiasts, some of you have already shared valuable tips for the fellow community members: https://community.openmr.ai/c/reviews

We will keep on doing what we are good at: Involve you in the whole process of the development of our new solutions via roadshows, interviews, focused groups, closed beta testing, events and more. We will post all the news via the official forum: community.openmr.ai Wish to see you there. Don’t forget to change your profile photo to yourself with Pimax headset or add your backer number to your profile so we can recognize you :wink:

See you soon in the forum!

Best Regards,

The Pimax Crew


Dallas do you mean Headsets? Or accesories as well? I am still processing coffee.

Because backer headsets have been confirmed before as all shipped out.


How about the rest of accesories? Especially that vr frame for glasses because most of us, more than half cant use their headset properly due the fact not being able to wear glasses inside. I mean come on, even a 3d printable model file will be usefull as we can easily 3d print it ourselves. We’ve been asking for that accesorry for weeks already…

DO SOMETHING ALREADY, you just keep ignoring your backers…


Congratulations! :fireworks::sparkler::beers:
It’s been one heck of an adventure, hasn’t it? And the “fun” is just getting started! :crazy_face:
Thank you for my headset! I’m enjoying it very much! :+1::+1::+1::tada::confetti_ball::sparkler::fireworks:


Without a doubt a milestone !

Oculus took years to finish theirs !



HMD rewards, Only headset.


Glad to hear that you really enjoy it


Okay will only drink half the bottle of wine. :wine_glass::wine_glass::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Cheers, as long it’s half full you’re set :slight_smile:


Cool, but I really need those controllers please. I feel like I am missing out a lot. I can’t use my Oculus Touch controllers unlike Vive wand owners.


PLEASE release those VR Frames, many of us need it!
Like @allocen said a Printable 3D File would solve so many troubles!


yes agreed, we need the controllers asap…the experience is crippled without them. My Rift touch controllers tease sitting idle as we wait for the Pimax controlers.

ps: Vive controllers stink.

pps: after 1.5 years from the kickstarter we still have no accessories. There’s two sides to every viewpoint. The HMD is not a “reward”…that’s not the terminology I would use in this instance.


What is a reward?

I’m struggling with what to think about this.

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Good Morning, i am a backer of Pimax 8K-X Full Package and I am also owner of Kat Walk mini


Please update me about Controllers, lighthouses and pimax 8K X

Is true there is a working prototype of Pimax 8K X ?


@anon74848233 i didnt had an answer in messages…


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In my understanding - rewards was a Kikstarter “stretch goals”. So they didnt accomplished what they just announced…

Edit : Ok they corrected for HMD only


Yeah Dallas clarified it’s just the Headset part of the headset part of the rewards. The Stretch goals of course even foam is unresolved as of yet. :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Please let me know what’s going on with the replacement of nearly historical SUPEN-313 from Nov 8th 2018 and why private messages and mails to support were not answered after promised shipping has not happened yet. @Sean.Huang

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Thats great but how about MY TRACKING NUMBER? I am still upset that any attempts to get any info on the status of my headset has gone ignored. I will not believe that everyones has been shipped untill I see some proof that mine has actually shipped or until it gets delivered… Kickstarter backer…

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Bright just to be sure as your Supen is quite Old.

Your a backer? If so @anon74848233 add to earlybackers