KAT Walk Mini - VR Treadmill

I would be suspend just enough to not put severe pressure on the cybershoes , but I would be still touching the ground but with not all my body weight

Katvr have no wasd support for now.

For the games that are supported , I feel i am sliding and reverse walking more than walking. It annoys me also that I am stuck on the platform losing room scale.


Look at the top comment by me on this vid and read his response (and mine after, waiting on reply), he is saying there is WASD support :-s

What is the point if you doubt what I tell you despite I have the katvr mini and I tried it and not all the games work, moreover they told me that the games that are supported are only the ones supported by katio and for the psvr, only 2 games work.
Those are the fact.
If you do not want to believe the facts, you buy the katvr and you try it yourself

If you get to know how to make work on katvr the oculus 's games, games played with vorpx, all the vr games that are not on katio and all the psvr games (not just 2 of them), you let me know, since I am interested and I can not play them, despite I own the katvr mini


I can still not play any psvr game since they did not give me the adapter that is needed to play those 2 psvr games , since they claim the adapter has been produced after they delivered the katvr

Cybershoes have official support in Steam VR since beginning this year. Can’t wait till they get here.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not denying what you are saying in the slightest which is why when they said it does support all free locomotion games I asked them if that was actually true since you said it does not and then I get this response today from KAT:-

It might be that your friend does not know how to configurate the device. In fact, our tech is fully compatible with all Free Locomotion games. You can play any Free Locomotion game available on Steam such as Skyrim, Doom, Fallout IV, Resident Evil and more. There are gameplays from these games available on our channel.

This official reply is here:-

I’m going to reply asking about VorpX and Oculus games too.

As I said, only what is on their katio is officially supported and when u contact them in Skype with their technical support , they repeat the same .

As i said, buy it and try it yourself. Marketing the sale of a product and the reality of the facts when u get the product, are 2 different stories

For how long do we need to go back and forth with this?

They offer no support whatsover for games that are not on their katio. So all the games I have that are not in there , do not work. Simple and plain. Unless maybe u are capable to find yourself a way to start these game and make them work outside katio, no other game would work.

The official reply is not on the YouTube channel that you are sharing.

The official answer is the one by their technical support when I reach them because i can not make work games that are not on their katio.

I am their customer
I own their katvr mini and they are not able to help me doing what they are claiming to you on YouTube that katio would do .

So why you keep insisting .

As I said, buy the katvr and if you manage to do what I can not do and that their tech support is not helping me to do, let me know.

Ok, we have 2 different responses from the same company and their site says it works with all free locomotion games.

Therefore, if what you say is true then trading standards needs to be informed as it is false advertising and they can be sued.

Let’s their reply to me

It is my interest that something that I paid thousands dollars works properly accordingly to what they claim

Agree totally!
Waiting with baited breath for their response! :smiley:

rolleyes Seems they lie to get sales.
We can see in plane sight on their website “KAT Walk Mini is fully compatible with all VR games that support free locomotion” and when asked on youtube they state the same.

His last comment seems to say that the person responding to me on youtube is ill-informed/is giving incorrect info, their site says the same though too.

I think I’m going to reply to the youtube conversation with the pics you have put here and make a new post on the youtube vid stating that the company lies to get sales and all free locomotion games are NOT supported.

They stated they all works after testing and set them up

Adding this pic to the new post I’m making on the youtube vid.

Exactly but they are misleading people into believing that all vr games with free locomotion will work straight out of the box, which is false advertising.

If your goal was go after katvr to screw them up, you should go after the majority of vr devices producers since they all claim whether. All the gloves I bought or vest or whether I bought, are claimed to do what in reality can not do yet.

So what is your scope here ? Go after all the vr devices 's makers ? What is your next on the big list?

(uploaded pic here so I can add it to the youtube post)

Nah, just this one, I’m sick of being lied to by companies to get sales.

Misleading customers to get sales and false advertising is illegal.

There are more companies in vr that do false advertising. U should go after the other ones too

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Should but its time and effort gathering facts/proof etc.

Someone else should have a go too!