Ok quick notes.
Packaging is xlnt, so much better than previous efforts. Was suprised at how small the box was but its well packaged and supported for transport. Headstrap is snuck away in the little half circle support bit, took a while to find as I just thought it was support packaging for the headset.
The new shape of the face pad makes a massive amount of difference, I have a lot of headsets and the pimax is now the most comfortable one to wear. It makes getting the headstrap on a pain but once its in its done. Takes so much weight off of your face and really makes the headset feel light. The only thing the index has over this now is the audio, which Pimax are sorting with the new MAS.
Using the thing is pretty much like the old one, plug in and go, I did update to the newest pitool and firmware thats in BETA but was working before that.
The new coating is nice, makes it feel a bit more premium although not sure what the overall goal is with it other than make it look nicer. It feels a bit more sturdy but I never had issues with the case before anyway.
Game wise I played No Mans Sky and Boneworks. The colors for me were xlnt, I have the 5K OLED one which I thought had xlnt color but had prominent SDE, the index is a nice headset but like looking through binoculars. There is no SDE on this headset, non at all, the only time I could notice anything is on the PIMAX landing page with the planets and noticed a bit of aliasing on the red planet but thats not SDE and really they need a better landing page (they should reach out to the community, give us the parameters of what they need regarding scene size, format etc and let us create one which better reflects the headset and its capabilities).
Previously i used my Index as my go to headset but now its the Pimax, its just a quality piece of hardware and is the best out there for consumers. I have the original rift, vive, index, pimax 5k BR, Quest and Go, and PSVR. Oh and Windows mixed reality Acer one which never gets used at all. Pimax smashes all of them, the FOV and the lack of SDE is stunning.
I know people have issues with their comms but its clear they are putting everything into product development right now, I really think they have got the best product on the market and they just need to push it out there, improve pitool if they can (work with valve to get that better) although its ok as it is. They need to work on the whole render quality vs Steam res thing, thats still confusing for people.
So in summary.
Packaging excellent
Comfort excellent
Visusals, No SDE and great colors.
Audio - lets hope MAS comes out soon as its the only bit thats lacking.
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