I've received my Pimax5K+ but without Hand Motion module, what now?


I’ve just received my PImax5K+ but i didn’t find HandMotion tracking module inside the package. Was this a mistake in shipment? Are this module will be shipped separately? Are the modules not available yet?

I will appreciate any info


Only the headset ships now. Anything else ships “later”.

You should be able to play some games with just the headset, using 3dof, but I don’t know the specifics so hopefully someone else’ll comment on that.


Seated experiences for now.

A good free short one WarRobotsVR in steam.

Are you a pre order?

We will ship headset and hand motion module separately.


Yes, preorder P121***

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Any guestimation when we could expect controllers and basestations to be shipped?

Atm controllers are estimated to q3. Emphasis on estimated. At GTC this month? Might have a better idea.

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