Is there a way to set the camera height in luckys tale?

Is there a way to set the camera height in luckys tale?
The camera is to high and i cant reset it…

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the same in Apollo 11 :frowning:


yea i cant to seem to find a fix…

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Not sure. I don’t have LHes so height is set manually.

This reddit talks about camera controls

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But its not about the camera height problem…

If i stand then its on the correct height.
But when i am seated i cant change the camera to the correct height…

I have read somewhere that there wasnt any problem with an old version of pitool…

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If you have lighthouses. Try turning them off & set height manually.

If previous Pitool didn’t have this issue with Lucky’s tale might be sn idea for @anon74848233 to check with engineers.


Yep, it is bugged currently.

You have two options:

  • Reinstall Pitool .95
  • Disable LH tracking and play it in 3DoF (it isn´t that bad).

I beat it on .95 and was flawless.


To play oculus games, install revive, install steamvr 1.1.3 (the last steamvr and the last pitool 112, broke compatibility, i recommend pitool beta 111)

(just erase your steamvr folder and paste this one)

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The solution is to re-setup your room in Pitool, when it asks you to calibrate your height, place the headset on your floor set the value to your standing height. This happens in Oculus sit-down-scale games. Then re-do the height calibration when you go back to SteamVR games or stand-height Oculus games. It’s a pain, but better than doing things like installing other versions of Pitool or SteamVR


Yep, Lucky’s Tale is definitely nausea-inducing to me. The problem is that they use an auto-panning, auto-following camera. That is actually a great way to setup the camera for a platformer IF it is being viewed on a 2D screen. Unfortunately, it is a terrible setup for VR. I get VR sick easily, so I can only play Lucky’s Tale for about 15 minutes before I have to get off.

I haven’t had the chance to play Moss yet but it seems that they did the camera properly. From what I have seen it doesn’t move on its own and does a fade-to-black transition/teleport whenever Moss gets to the next area.