Is there a way to communicate with Pimax?

I wrote two tickets (SUPEN-2103 and SUPEN-2400) but didnt get an answer.
I´m Ordernumber P123XXX and I can understand that the production and shipping take their time.
But there should be at least a little bit transparency…
So is it possible to write a PM to @anon74848233 or someone who is responsible?
Thank You :slight_smile:

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And I should add that I wrote the first ticket 2 weaks ago…

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Umfortunely you have done what can be done at this time. I have a simple address change verification that is over a month old; waiting. But as nothing that I know of shipping to me soon is not as big of deal. But a very easy ticket to resolve.

@PimaxUSA is working on getting the US division up & running which will help with the backlog that is making support slow.


Everything is correct for me but except my phone number is incorrect can this be a problem?

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So do I have to correct my adress or is everything fine?

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I am only a community Volunteer. I do not have access to those kinds of details.

@anon74848233 would be best to ask. With your Pre Order Number he could likely check into your details via PM. @Alan.sun is also a pimax team member.

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I don’t know tbh. But phone number will likely need to be correct.

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And how can I PM @anon74848233 ?

Nevermind, now theres a button :slight_smile:


On Billing Address and Shipping Address is the phone wrong.
But on View Addresses I corrected it long time ago.

Just watching the biling Address and shipping address with the wrong number bugs me abit
I think pimax service does have the time to fix this issue before i try…
But When i bought it i would get a text (phone) and email.
so i think it’s not that bad. i hope :sweat_smile:

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