Is Pimax using OSVR?

Can anyone confirm this? There are OSVR files inside the piserver folders in the Windows directory.

Please, if so, add native support to OSVR.

In Reddit there is a user who says yes. And Vrguy (CEO of Sensics) says it can be added according to the OSVR documentation.

This is the thread:

I found new evidence today that Pimax is using OSVR.

It was already discovered by you. Sorry~!

Hi Crony,
I wonder if you could make any suggestion to help me get my positioning cameras and PSMove controllers recognised by SteamVR.
I have followed your tutorial as best I could.

I have 4 PSEye cameras and 3 PSMove controllers.
Camera test caearly see all 4 cameras as does PSMoveService and PSMoveConfigTool.
PSMove controllers calibrate correctly, but when I start SteamVr neither show up?
Any advice greatly appreciated.


is your file steamvr.vrsettings (in steam config folder) correctly modified?

You have to add psmove controller settings:

ā€œpsmoveā€ : {
ā€œpsā€ : ā€œsystemā€,
ā€œmoveā€ : ā€œtouchpadā€,
ā€œtriggerā€ : ā€œtriggerā€,
ā€œtriangleā€ : ā€œapplication_menuā€,
ā€œsquareā€ : ā€œgripā€,
ā€œcircleā€ : ā€œaā€,
ā€œcrossā€ : ā€œbutton_8ā€,
ā€œselectā€ : ā€œbutton_9ā€,
ā€œstartā€ : ā€œbutton_10ā€

and enable multiple drivers:

ā€œactivateMultipleDriversā€ : true,
(to be added on" steamvr" section).

Be careful with syntax (donā€™t forget commas for instance: a single error may cause a problem)

You have to also check if the right config files are installed in your user folder (user folder/Appdata/Psmoveservice).

Thanks for you reply.
Yes I checked the settings file and I couldnā€™t see anything wrong.

maybe a -very- silly question: did you lauch Psmoveservice.exe as administrator before launching steamVR?
And if so, could you copy/paste the messages on command prompt?

Hi, Yes I did.
What exactly is supposed to be in the Appdata/Psmoveservice directory?
There seems to be 10 PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye etc .json files among others

[2017-01-10 02:11:09.56]: main - Starting PSMoveService
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\ControllerManagerConfig.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\ControllerManagerConfig.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.59]: bluetooth_get_host_address - Found a bluetooth radio
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.60]: bluetooth_get_host_address - Retrieved radio info
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\TrackerManagerConfig.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\TrackerManagerConfig.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.127]: PSMoveController::open - Opening PSMoveController(\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002054c_pid&03d5&col01#8&2c3ff820&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030})
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.129]: PSMoveController::open - with serial_number: 00070495c615
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_95_c6_15.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_95_c6_15.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.205]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 0 (PSMove) opened
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.206]: PSMoveController::open - Opening PSMoveController(\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002054c_pid&03d5&col01#8&33ac024a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030})
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.207]: PSMoveController::open - with serial_number: 00070494db9c
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_94_db_9c.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_94_db_9c.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.299]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 1 (PSMove) opened
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.319]: PS3EyeTracker::open - Opening PS3EyeTracker(USB\VID_1415&PID_2000\9\0, camera_index=0)
libusb: error [init_device] device ā€˜\.\USB#VID_1415&PID_2000&MI_01#6&2FEEFF5C&0&0001ā€™ is no longer connected!
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
ps3eye::PS3EYECam::getDevices() found 4 devices.
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5.ā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5.ā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.487]: SharedMemory::initialize() - Allocating shared memory: tracker_view_0
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.705]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 0 (PSEYE) opened
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.705]: PS3EyeTracker::open - Opening PS3EyeTracker(USB\VID_1415&PID_2000\13\1, camera_index=1)
ps3eye::PS3EYECam::getDevices() found 4 devices.
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5.2.4.4.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5.2.4.4.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.860]: SharedMemory::initialize() - Allocating shared memory: tracker_view_1
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.864]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 1 (PSEYE) opened
[2017-01-10 02:11:09.865]: PS3EyeTracker::open - Opening PS3EyeTracker(USB\VID_1415&PID_2000\20\2, camera_index=2)
ps3eye::PS3EYECam::getDevices() found 4 devices.
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p2.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p2.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:10.7]: SharedMemory::initialize() - Allocating shared memory: tracker_view_2
[2017-01-10 02:11:10.12]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 2 (PSEYE) opened
[2017-01-10 02:11:10.13]: PS3EyeTracker::open - Opening PS3EyeTracker(USB\VID_1415&PID_2000\23\3, camera_index=3)
ps3eye::PS3EYECam::getDevices() found 4 devices.
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p12.jsonā€
Config file name: ā€œC:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p12.jsonā€
[2017-01-10 02:11:10.158]: SharedMemory::initialize() - Allocating shared memory: tracker_view_3
[2017-01-10 02:11:10.163]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 3 (PSEYE) opened
Here it is

I donā€™t know what I did, but I just tried it again and this time it worked???
Two controlers and 4 cameras shown in steamvr.

1 Like

you should have (and you actually have):

C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_95_c6_15.json (thatā€™s for psmove controller with serial_number: 00070495c615 I guess)
C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\00_07_04_94_db_9c.json (thatā€™s for psmove controller with serial_number: 00070494db9c)

Tracking cameras:
C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5. (for tracker 0)
C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p5.2.4.4.json (for tracker 1)
C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p2.json (for tracker 2)
C:\Users\elbe5\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\PS3EyeTrackerConfig_ps3eye_b1_p12.json (for tracker 3)

The only problem I see is about a previous config missing :libusb: error [init_device] device ā€˜.\USB#VID_1415&PID_2000&MI_01#6&2FEEFF5C&0&0001ā€™ is no longer connected!

I had the same problem in the past and was unable to find a fix to this issue.

Yes I have those.
The only thing that I changed was to change ā€œactivatemultipledriversā€ : true, to ā€œactivateMultipleDriversā€ : true, with a capital M for Multiple and D for Drivers. I donā€™t know what else could have done it???

The controllers jump around all over the place in the HMD in SteamVR. I think Iā€™ll have to redo the calibrations.
My controllers donā€™t have enabled magnetometers either.

Am I supposed to see 4 cameras in the steamvr HMD display?
I can only see one.
Iā€™m using PSMoverservice version 5.5.3

Is there a limitation on camera height and room size?
Iā€™m wondering if my cameras are too far apart?

Thanks for you help.
Cheers, Luke

It may be the problem. I think that code is case sensitive:) I had a similar problem with a missing comma:)

With 2 controllers and 4 cameras you should have 7 icons in your steamVR dialog box:
-one for the hmd
-2 for the controllers

  • 4 for the cameras

If not, there are missing controllers/cameras in your config (and it could cause the jumps you mentioned)

Well I can stop pulling the hair I donā€™t have out now.
Iā€™ll redo the calibrations tomorrow.

The cameras can se the controllers ok but the lamps are very small. About the size of a match head nowhere the size shown in the YouTube vid.
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m wondering if the cameras are too far apart.
Camera to cal table is about 10 feet.
Cameras are 8 feet off the floor.

Cheers, Luke

Yes there are 7 icons in the steamvr box. All ok there now.
Controllers are hard to see in the HMD which makes me think the cals are out.

be careful with the amount of cameras plugged in your usb ports: on my laptop, I canā€™t connect more than 2 cameras on a single usb port (Iā€™m using usb hubs to keep some ports free for other devices).

Yes I fell for that one too.
Iā€™m using 2 hubs with two cameras in each and that seems to work ok.
I did read somewhere that you canā€™t connect more than two cameras into any usb group.

ā€œHow to set up the camera & the characteristics of the cameraā€ is described in the linked article.

Hi and thanks to everyone that helped me resolve my PSMove issues.

I got it all going today and managed to play a couple of games, kind-of.

I notice that there is a lot of gyro drift in both controllers and I have to do the ā€œhold up to face and press Start and Select buttons to recenterā€ thing quite often.

Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s because the two new PSMove controllers I got recently donā€™t have magnetometers enabled.
Why Sony would do this I donā€™t know. Surely not to save a few cents?

Iā€™m using four PSEye cameras.
Three are within 6 to 8 feet but one is at about 10 feet.
I will have to mount these a bit closer together to get better performance I think, but tracking is quite good even where they are.

There is a little bit of jitter in the PSMove controller images, but not enough to make it a problem, but the drift is a pain.

I ran SteamVR Room Scale Setup and it all worked, although there is no HMD position tracking,
Iā€™ll have to look into this a bit further. Any suggestions most welcome.

Iā€™m wondering if PSMoveService version 6.0.8 would be any better than 5.5.3 for this setup?
Feedback appreciated.

Itā€™s been an interesting learning experience and turned out to be easier than it seemed at the start.

Iā€™m now looking forward to getting a bit more out of my Pimax than just watching videos and movies.

Not a bad result for a total spend of less than $150.

I would love to get OculusHome working but Iā€™m a bit shy since the problems that were caused the first time I tried.
If anyone is game to try, make sure that you DON"T download the latest version from the Oculus web site. Only version up to 0.8 are supposed to be ok for Pimax.
When I did this it killed my DirectX installation and this took some time to discover and fix. Thanks to the Pimax support team.
Their recommendation is still not to install OCHome at this time.

If anybody is actually running Oculus games, would you please let me know how?


Same for me. Donā€™t know if itā€™s related with the missing magnetometer too.

A new version (6.0.9) is available

Installing Oculus Home from Oculus website crashes my config. Still waiting for a fix:)