Is hand tracking on the 8kx worth it?

I recently tried a quest 2 and the hand tracking is cool and all but besides the home menu and a couple niche demos, its kind of not useful. Is pimaxs handtracking the same, useless even more since pimax experience doesn’t even have its own netflix, youtube, or even virtual desktop for this to be usefull to? Is it usable or blocked by everygame that doesn’t have it used?

It will be worth it if VAM supports it. Can anyone confirm this? (Anonymously of course, if your prudish :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


what is vam if you don’t mind me asking


It is sort of usable but nit very accurate. Have only used it in the Pimax Experience menu and pretty much immediately went back to a mouse

IF Pimax could get this to work, then yes it would be worth it.


Vam is the most realistic human body simulation in vr :wink:

Its the craziest vr experience you can have right now.

you need a rtx 3090 and a 10900k @ 5.2 ghz though xD


Can we make any use of hand tracking modules in any game?

Could maybe pimax step up and offer in vr games hand tracking experience that no one has offered before?


So is it worth it? Now that the quest has done hand tracking right, I wonder how the Pimax version of this can possibly compete without software.

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