Is anyone using the Pimax 4k (8k?) for desktop PC flight simulations?

I like the wide field of view, and of course the high screen resolution (8k). So Ild like to know how this new VR gear implements PC-based flight simulations. Please don’t forget this genre (it’s more than just War Thunder).
Flyby out


I know @lukeb was doing dcs.

There was another here using prepared3d? Its some big flight sim from my understanding; the user stated that the community is very interested in the 4k

I am not into flight sims, but I tried DCS and it seemed pretty great. First game I tried actually and I was stunned. Just not my kind of game. I think pimax 4k is the best headset for simulations at the moment, because of the high res screen, with little SDE. Elite Dangerous, Dirt Rally, etc, are amazing.

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I wonder when the 8k will be available? Us air-combat sim sorts love the evolving 3d/vr tech. The terrains down low are looking mighty fine these days. Just needs the right VR action. Getting closer all the time.
Thanks all for your input.
Flyby out

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I use Aerofly FS 2 with pimax 4k render 2.0. It works pretty well. I missed the roomscale on this like rift and vive, but the resolution, it is fantastic. It is a feeling you sit in a cockpit. the Outside view , fly by is also good, give you a good feeling too, three green for this.

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Quax, can you tell me the pros and cons of the Pimax 4k (as it related to desktop PCs and flight sims)? It certainly seems hopeful.
Flyby out


pros for me: good resolutions in my head set, render 2.0 works good with my GTX1070 8GB, head tracking works fine
I fly with my old MS force feedback II , and it works good in the sim, you can click some buttons and knobs by PC mouse in the head set screen
cons for me: ghostings in all scences, stutters , but this will be teh reason by the movments of you head when you using the HMD ( main problem by Pimax ), no room scaling available like rift & vive

cheers, Eike

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Thanks Eike,
For my sort of flight sim(ming) I’ve been inquiring elsewhere about the ability to spot contacts (bogeys,bandits, friendlies) at nominally large distances (11k). Think WW2 fighters with no radar and only the Mk-! eyeball (to see before being seen in attack, or to spot the enemy before being shot down). any input?
Flyby out