Is anyone having issue with the latest steamVR on pimax? (mine keep crashing)

is anyone having issue with the latest steamVR on pimax? my steamVR keep crashing at random ever since the update, wondering if it is just me or are you guys having issues also

Elite Dangerous crashed on me yesterday, but I figured it was the game’s fault.


Lot of game crashes with the steamvr 1.7.15 and index.


Noticed that Raceroom RR crashes at launch, not sure if SteamVR or recent Nvidia driver update is the culprit…could may be a combination of both, the game worked since it was purchased long time ago but now always crashes if started in VR mode on the 5K+

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I played a little yesterday but i hadn’t any issues

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I’m also on the beta with an index and haven’t had a crash recently , NMS was the last game that crashed and that was in the first week of release .

Ok, Skyrim crashes like every 15mins, in VR view it just closes down and on desktop the game hangs and I have to kill the process. Nothing else changed than SteamVR version. That or maybe drunken me had installed some crash prone mods that I dont remember.

Hello, try it with FFR turned off.

I never turn FFR on

must be 20 characters

Lol, I know the feeling, typically, I haven’t got skyrim installed, the games I’ve been trying since the last beta update are vanishing realms, arizona sunshine, Moss, NMS and seeking dawn, they’ve all been solid, not one crash but it could be game specific I suppose, maybe try getting off the beta and use the stable branch of steam vr just to test skyrim. All the best.

Yeah, well, the latest build is the 1.7.15 beta or not. Maybe I’ll try reverting to 1.6.xx

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Im playing skyrim vr heavily modded and no crash yet. I dont update my skyrim but im sure everyone knows that.

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RFactor 2 crashed when I tried to start it with SteamVR already loaded. No problem when letting RFactor start SteamVR by itself.

The issue that worries me is that the left screen has started to shut off after some playtime. This is probably a coincidence (Not SteamVR related) because it looks more like hardware failure on my 5K+. The only way to have the left screen back is to turn the headset off then on or to switch to different Hz rate. Restart Service and Reboot HMD don’t work. Anyone else experiencing this?

my left screen turn off once in awhile also, do we have a defect unit?

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Had a crash now when i had a good run in In Death.

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I’m trying to determine if it’s the headset that is defective but I’m not sure yet. I have a ticket open with Pimax US support and they referred me to a tech but I will probably not here from him before Monday, after the Mid-Autumn Holiday in China…

I created a topic to not completely derail this topic:

How do you revert steam vr to version 1.6?? I have problems with this 1.7 version too, but I had no idea how to rollback. Thanks mate.

I think theres a way, I’ll check later today.

Just dealing with your topic, you haven’t given a whole lot of specific info. If you can give some specific examples of what games are crashing and how often I will check what I have in common.
The only thing I have tested for any length of time is No Man’s Sky which is performing extremely well compared to a week or two ago. Some of this is the Hello Games’ update, but the SVR beta had been reported to have improvements as well and I suspect some of those made there way in to the update.

Here are some of my installed Steam titles:
Aerofly FS2
Assetto Corsa
Dead Effect 2 VR
Dirt Rally
Dirt Rally 2
Fallout 4 VR
In Death
Let’s Bowl
No Limits 2 Rollercoaster
No Man’s Sky
Project Cars 2
Skyrim VR
Sports Bar VR
The Golf Club VR

If one of these is crashing on you let me know and I will test it.

I had this a few times. I suggest you reinstall Pimax PiTool and then SteamVR again. In that order