Is 5k+ using two different panels (with and without black dot pattern)?

@PimaxUSA @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu @anon74848233

I have read all recent replies from you (including recently activated @PimaxUSA) on the subject and there is still an important information missing:

Is Pimax using two different panels in the 5k+, one with “black dot pattern” and one without?
If yes, does it plan to continue doing so, or is only one going to be used in the future?
If yes, which one?

I am not asking about how do you source your panels, if they are from one or several suppliers, what are your QA requirements, etc. So I do not buy @PimaxUSA answer about not discussing the technical/business details of the supply chain.

I am asking you about the specific feature of the product you are currently shipping which makes a big difference in the user experience. I believe the explanation is needed.


I would hope not. Wouldn’t want any of you 5k+ backers to miss out on the “higher contrast”.


I was able to confirm all 5K+ use the same panels.


Can you explain then how it comes there are 5k+ with ‘black dots’ and some without?
As to see here:

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Alright, thanks for the confirmation, I guess this settles the matter.

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Cheers for the info! :smiley:

@PimaxUSA could you give us an explanation why there are black dots to be seen easily on some panels and on others not? It’s hard to belief, that you use the same panel since day one, as on the panels of the latest HMD that were delivered, these dots are just not there… there must be a simple answer for that?!
For me it’s confusing, because the official statement was, that these dots are there on purpose for a contrast reason. Though, the majority within this forum (early backers) think that the dots are more annoying than helpful, but from your official statement, these headsets without dots have to be the faulty ones, because lack of contrast…?


If something looks different it can’t be the same…

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Could it be due to firmware update ?

It’s obviously some kind of filter on the panels to hide the dots. No way they didn’t change anything hardware related lol

They could be the “same” panels but a different batch. If that is the case I think it would be a good business
move to replace them if the dot pattern is gone (or almost gone) on new HMD’s and people who have the dots are bother by them.



So one simple answer for all your backers,No different panels you said,so what did they do?And do all future headset are dot free?

I don’t understand why people are freaking over the dimmed dots, the sde is substantially better then the vive/oculus and better then the wmr. When using the headset I always thought it was just the panel but never thought it could be an issue to people. lol

Manufacturing differences? One production line slightly calibrated wrong.

Just how cpus have various speeds but are from the same wafer.

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It’s adjustments during the panel manufacturing. They are always trying to balance the primary attributes of the panels. Thing is you are working within the specs of the panel itself so making adjustments to improve one area can negatively affect another. Also of course there is some variance between panels that you receive. You refine the balance and tighten the tolerances as you go.


This is interesting.

Their pimax died and received the replacement and noticed the difference with the dots

Well if the adjustments during the panel manufacturing is done wrong then the panel with dots are defective.
And while you are there, are they going to add the color & contrast to Pi-Tool.
one more thing :slight_smile: edit the dam spreadsheet tabs at the bottom so it makes more seance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue::+1:

The final answer is, Yes. Case closed. Come again.

so let’s try to understand all of this…

the dots - a sideeffect (!) of trying to enhance contrast - displays from the same supplier, same manufacturing line differ - adjusting and tinkering while mass producing.

I am not on board with this procedure but I wouldn’t call it a lie, more like a fact.


So they are the same panel but with slightly different properties, due to technical adjustments made during the manufacturing process. They are all considered “within spec”.

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