Iracing graphics are low res and nothing I do fixes it... HELP!

I’m having problems getting iracing graphics from looking low res. I’ve tried everything I could think of and searched the forum but can’t find a solution. I’ve tried different pitools (including the newest beta), different setting in both pitool settings and steam vr, as well as different settings in iracing.

Using the same iracing settings in Oculus I get clean crisp graphics, but switch to Pimax 5K and it looks like this…

Any help to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.

@MikeJeffries I think has experience with Iracing.

Here’s My settings. No issues at all
I turned off Parallel Projections. Turned on SPS in iRacing. PiTool Normal FOV, 1.0, SteamVR SS at 150% (Per Application), SteamVR 100% Global SS,

and Here’s my renderedDX11 file. Copy and paste it into your file, and make a backup of your current one, just in case.

AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file

[Graphics Options]
EnableSPS=1 ; 0=off 1=Use Single Pass Stereo VR (nvidia Pascal/Turing)
DynamicCubemapType=0 ; 0=RGB8, 1=RGBE, 2=RGB16
EnableHDR=0 ; 0=LDR rendering, 1=HDR rendering
SkyDetail=1 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
EnableTireMarks=1 ; 0=Disable Tire marks 1=Enable tire marks
DynamicShadowRes=1 ; (For 3 maps! So, x3) 0 = 512x512 1 = 1024x1024 2 = 2048x2048 3 = 4096x4096
SelfLitBloom=0 ; 0= disable 1= enable bloom for self lit objects
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
AllowTSOSelfShadows=0 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
EnableSwayTrees=1 ; 0=normal trees, 1=trees sway with wind
DNSMFilter=0 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=1 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=175 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=1 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=2 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=0 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=3 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=0 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=0 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=0 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=0 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
TrackDisplacementEnable=1 ; 0=render without displacement, 1=render using track displacement shaders
DNSMMaxLightsPerPass=3 ; 0- 6 = Shadowing lights per-fullscreen pass
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackTextureUpdateRate=2 ; 0=min, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high frequency of dynamic track texture updates
DynamicTrackDataRendering=1 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
ShaderQuality=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=0 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=0 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
NumMultiGPUs=1 ; Number of GPUs in Crossfire/SLI (1=off to 4). Set low as works.
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 0=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=65 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=1 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=70 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=91 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 0=disabled/multi-gpu
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8064 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=4096 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=200 ; User Interface Size

BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=1 ; 1 or 3
EnableSMPSurround=0 ; 0=off 1=Enable Simultaneous Multi-Projection via GPU
RenderViewPerMonitor=0 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=0 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=0 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=0 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max

Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don’t Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don’t Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don’t Edit This!

[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=192 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem 128-768 (MB)

[Oculus Rift]
RiftEnabled=1 ; Enable Oculus Rift Support
PixelsPerDisplayPixel=116 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use Rift, if detected, without prompting
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
PrevVirtualMirrorWidth=2108 ; System use only -> do not edit…
PrevVirtualMirrorHeight=404 ; System use only -> do not edit…

OpenVREnabled=1 ; Enable OpenVR Support
PredictionMode=1 ; 0=off, 1=dynamic, 2=fixed
ResolutionScalePct=100 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=1 ; Use OpenVR without prompting (note: Oculus has priority if enabled)
AutoCenter=1 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears

[Replay Graphics]
SkyDetail=1 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
AllowTSOSelfShadows=1 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
SelfLitBloom=0 ; 0= disable 1= enable bloom for self lit objects
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
DNSMFilter=0 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=1 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=125 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=1 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=3 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=1 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=1 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=1 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=0 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=0 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll try out your settings and will report back.


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Good lord are you sure you didnt leave anything out. :grin:


YEP left out one thing… where do I find the renderedDX11 file? Looked in the normal places but it’s eluding me.

Ahhhh found it… it’s “rendererDX11” and not “renderedDX11”

I’ll now give it a go…


Look in Documents/iRacing its called rendererDX11.dll

If you use PP Off, the steamVR Resolution changes by around 55% (I went from 100% SS to 156% to keep the same resolution I had).

So if you’ve been using PP On, make sure you check the SS Resolution target in the SteamVR Settings.


Using iRacing website to launch I’d end up with low res graphics every time no matter what the settings… then I thought, add iRacing to Steam and see what happens.
Well Steam only found the iRacing Beta UI so I went ahead and added it to Steam.
Now when I launch and go through the Beta UI the graphics are perfect!

I don’t know if the Beta UI would have worked without going through Steam, but I’m not going to delete it from Steam to find out… don’t want to mess with what’s working.

I hope others who might run into the same issue as I did finds this helpful.


Does anyone know if there’s a way to increase the Gamma like you can for the monitors through NVidia Control Panel?

I just tried Nighttime racing in iRacing on Nurburgring and it was impossibly dark. The lighting was too dark to see further ahead of me.

Any suggestions?

new pitools beta .121 has settings for color contrast and brightness adjustment


Thank you - i appreciate it.

Hi there, Im experiencing the same issue, where my fps drops to 45fps in iRacing. It was doing 90fps previously with my setting.

i dont quite understand the workaround for this, do you mind to elaborate? Ure suggesting to launch iRacing beta UI via steam? NOT via iRacing website?

If you want faster framerates I’d check to see if you have Brainwarp turned on. That’s going to reduce your framerates, but will give you a much smoother simulation.

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I have the same low res problem. I have tried everything here. I ran beta UI and still low res. Turning anything up in the graphics only gives me stutter and enhances absolutely 0 in the VR. The max res allowed in game is 2500x1440 (off the top of my head ) The only thing I can’t figure out is how to create IRacing specific profile in the settings of steam VR. I CAN adjust the % in steam VR custom res under video tab; again with 0 results except stutter and FPS going down 82 to 42 something. Any help would be appreciated.