IPD Wizard discussion: Which software and hardware settings do you use to eliminate eyestrain, crossed-eyes, blur and why?

Ive done the extreme mod but the hmd decided to die on me later on. It was glorious (at the cost of geometry) but cost me due to warranty so im skipping it on this one. The 5k+ wasnt any different in terms of clarity but it was masked by the lower res panels. Thats my opinion at least.

that’s also possible, if you’re saying that the lower panel resolution made that clarity change between the centre and edges of the sweet spot less apparent to you?

there have been multiple reports of people having clarity issues with the 8KX that they didn’t have with the 5K+ though, which leads me to believe that it may have something to do, in part or in whole, with the smaller panels used in the 8KX

@Zen I was mucking around in Pitool and when hovering over Parallel Projections it said if the image was superimposed was to turn it On. Turning On Parallel Projections has helped correct “double vision” somewhat. I purchased fpsVR and offset the IPD, 63MM + 3MM = 66MM, which is my IPD. Still figuring out where to set the mechanical IPD, I set that at 66mm according to the in-screen display.

@thenic123 Parallel projections should be out of this thread; if you set your HMD correct (ipd slider and software ipd offsets), you will be able to see good with or without parallel projections (pp) in most of modern games.

Use pp=off whenever possible, as it is about 25-30% better picture. You can test it in steamvr house. Only some (older) games have need for pp=on, then you need to switch it on. It is easy to recognize it, then the pictures in HMD (pp=off) are really wrong, you can not look on it more than 10 seconds.

@BrziJoe Is Iracing considered a older game?

I’ll have another go with PP off as I have fpsVR now. My eyes without prescription lenses don’t help the situation either.

I do not have Iracing so I do not know about it.

Please test your visuals in SteamVR home. Set pp=off, and try there to look.

  1. set your hardware ipd slider. Close one eye and try to find best position, where you see mostly trough sweet spot. Then switch eyes, it should be mostly clear on both eyes (1 by one).
  2. after first step open booth eyes, and dial proper software ipd values. That is hard, really hard to do. Your eyes will try to adopt on any settings, and from time to time you will think it is ok, but it is not. For this use guides described above.
    Your target is to have booth of your eyes relaxed, with clear stereo view, and natural 3d geometry.
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Mechanical IPD is set by turning the IPD knob/dial on the headset itself.

Software IPD offsets in Pitool now move the display render position, exactly the same as when the lenses are moved by adjusting the mechanical hardware IPD dial on the headset itself, but without actually moving the lenses.

FpsVR software IPD offset changes the virtual camera rendering position, which is different to what changing the IPD dial on the Pimax headset and the software IPD offset in Pitool do.

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i dont think thats correct the ipd dial on the headset also impacts the virtual camera position (where your eye’s are) impacting how the picture is rendered and warped to compensate the lenses

the “new” offset used with just moving the picture hor. or vert. on the display is a compensation for miss alignment of lenses and displays, because the eye strain is a effect of inexact alignment or asymmetric eye’s (but i dont think the eye thing is for real as we dont see that problem in other headset, more of a keep the face in asian culture when referring to that as a reason) - at least thats how i see it

what it’s doing now would be more correct the “old” offset was moving the virtual camera
having this is still needed for people with a ipd outside what the dial can handle, and that’s where fpsVr comes in handy

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