Introducing our user experience manager, Matthew!

I’m delighted to announce our new user experience manager, Matthew (matthew.xu)

Matthew was working the night shift for the past month to answer backer’s questions. He is passionate about the mission to create the best VR together with the futurists and will be the major point of contact between the community and Pimax team.

@Matthew.Xu in the forum or shot an email to if you have any thought in your mind!

For any inquiries and questions regarding your order, please contact our support team: @Pimax-Support /

Besides, we have created a facebook group 8K VR Club 8K VR Club | Facebook for you to chat and know each other better.

Leave your comments, we are listening!


Hi @Matthew.Xu :wink:

Can you please give us a short list of what the engineering team is currently working on?

Any developments on 8k and the Arnold Schwarzenegger edition 8K X

Enjoy drinking beer on night shift :beers:



Hi @Matthew.Xu

Congratulations on the new position. Also, commiserations on having to deal with the flood of impatience, frustration, redirected anger and ‘need it now’ demands, that are bound to unfold and head your way. I don’t envy what you have to deal with, but someone has to right :slight_smile:

All the best and good luck!


Congrats @Matthew.Xu, you really deserve it :smiley: With hard work comes great rewards.
Now you have to handle the floodgates :wink:


Congratulations @Matthew.Xu, you really deserve it, good job.

Congratulations @Matthew.Xu . We were needing someone focused on it.:grin:

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I don’t know if your new position is an improvement taking into account how unforgiving a community sometimes can be. :laughing:
Congratulations on your new job i hope you already ordered enough chill pills. :confetti_ball:

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Congratulations @Matthew.Xu

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Congratulations @Matthew.Xu ! Good luck with the new challenges !

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Congratulations Matthew!!!

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@Matthew.Xu I don’t know what you did to get demoted to dealing with this rabble, my sympathies. Ps, where’s my headset already?

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Congrats @Matthew.Xu ! Glad we can have someone to keep us updated

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