Interactive Services Detection

For the love of Pete how do I stop this and what even is it!

I recently updated the Pimax Play to the latest 1.33.2 or whatever it is.
The next day I get this annoying pop up called ‘Interactive Services Detection’ ‘A Program running on this computer is trying to display a message’ The program is vrss_gaze_provider.exe.

If I allow the message a blank window pops up. I close it and it all happens again and again until one time the screen goes black and I can’t use Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Del.

I tried renaming this vrss_gaze_provider.exe and it still happens.

How on Earth do I stop this? I assume this is something to do with eye tracking. I do not have or need this so how can I get rid of this thing?

This is why I hate updating things. OS, software, drivers. It just creates more headaches.


Any ideas? This is driving me crazy. The popup keeps stealing focus.
I suppose closing piservicelauncher would stop it but then it would happen any time I try and use VR.

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Got it! Could you please export the log file and share it with me? I’ll report this to the dev team and urge them to address the issue. Thank you!


So far no resolution.

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The issue still persist even on the v1.34?

Didn’t realise there was a 1.34.

The answer unfortunately is YES. It still persists.
I take it that the gaze thing has something to do with eye tracking?
I don’t have eye tracking so is there any way of just turning this off?

Check task scheduler in windows and see if there is a related task there, if there is then delete it.

If that doesn’t solve it then stop the “Interactive Services Detection” service in the Windows Service applet. This service should be set to Manual by default, but you may want to set this to “Disabled”.

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Thank you for the suggestions. First ones since I posted this nearly a month ago.
Task Scheduler has nothing related in it.
I found the “Interactive Services Detection” service and disabled it and that seems to have fixed it for now.
I had searched through the services originally but couldn’t find anything other than Piservicelauncher that was relevant.

I hope ISD is not something I would need for something else.

You shouldn’t, my understanding is that it’s a relic from Vista. Glad to hear that fixed it! If it comes up again feel free to ping me and I’ll see if I can figure out anything else.

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