Info pimax play openxr quadview

hello everyone and sorry for the question… does the quadview option work for which vr? does it work on the pimax 5k+? or what else can I use or activate to have something similar? thanks to everyone…

nothing??? no one can answer?

It afaik works with the Pimax Crystal and Pimax 8kX - the headsets with (built in/optional) eye-tracking. I guess you might technically also be able to use it with fixed foveated rendering on the other headsets - but there you will see the reduced resolution in the non-focus areas.
Also probably not worth it for usual 5k+ resolutions with current GPUs?

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If the headset (without eye-tracking) supports Fixed Foveated Rendering, Quadviews will function properly. However, only a limited number of titles currently support this feature, such as DCS and Pavlov.

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