Index or G2? I kind of want to get rid of my 8kx or if I ever get a working one also

Because when using a motion simulator, to have a good experience, you need to use motion cancellation which using a controller cancels out the headset movement while maintaining 6dof.
Otherwise the real life movement of the headset inside the simulator has you bobbing about & turning inside the cockpit/car/roller coaster etc… as the simulator moves.
So far steam tracked headsets offer the best experience as it is all accurately physicslly measured due to the tracking system.
There are some people who have had somewhat positive results with wmr & virtual trackers instead of controllers but the experience is not yet a good solid experience like the steam headsets & things like yaw axis movement are a problem & using cameras & gyros comes with many negatives.
Also virtual trackers don’t account for physical drift or inaccuracies meaning the cancellation can be incorrect & off by some degree.


Gotcha…I can’t speak for motion simulator use since I’ve never had one


Are you certain of that? I have tested it the last time 3 months ago in August. The hands went off by maybe 5mm, and a bit of rotation. After 2-3 hours usually.

Changing lighting conditions or even an object in the room - messed it up.

Unless you have a dedicated VR room in which you don’t move stuff around (my desk is there: papers, monitors on movable mounts, a raisable desk, a moving chair, dolls of my daughter) these things messed it up instantly.

That’s because WMR has its own orientation in the room - which mustn’t change even one bit for it to remain proper. And the index controllers are linked via the room to the headset - not via relation to the headset:

It’s a chain of tolerances from HMD WMR room recognition -> WMR playspace = LH playspace <- Index Controllers’ position <- Lighthouse stations.

And usually WMR playspace shifts a bit. It doesn’t matter with native WMR controllers - they work in relation to the headset, not the playspace. So the accuracy most likely won’t improve. And a new version of openspacecalibration / advopenvr (located at the equals sign in the simplified equation) cannot fix it either, by merely not having access to the wheel that turns and shifts the entire chain (WMR room recognition).

They don’t have access to optimise that.

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HP seems to have quite a backlog of preorders to work through. At least in Europe they only arrived in homeopathic dosis.
But sounds promising! If one already has Index controllers, then getting transponders to use those with the G2 might be worth a consideration.
According to MRTV the tracking of the new WMR controllers is ok. It just seems to be very dependent on environment (having some orientation points) and light conditions (using visible light instead of IR like Oculus does).

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I own both the 8kx, index,G2. It does have slider for IPD and I had no issues finding and keeping the sweet spot. But for is very low which disgusts me. This gets a 6 out of 10 for for, index is better at 7 out of 10 if you adjust it to highest settings, pimax is 9 out of 10 with minor distorting at normal settings . Clarity and colors on G2 is about 30% better I would say 9/10 (index is 7 and 8 is pimax). Tracking pretty obismal at times depending on the activity I would give it a 6.5 out of 10 in that area (9 out of 10 for index and pimax). Additionally some games and apps failed to register the new controllers without remapping although devs have promised patches (index would be 9 out of 10). Pimax software has really helped a lot with game compatibility lately although I have had to switch firmwares for certain which is quite strange (7.5 out of 10). With that said I kept my pimax 8kx due to the fact that field of view is simply amazing and I valued immersion more than a pure clarity of g2 and ease of use for index . Also you just can’t beat lighthouse tracking. I am interested to see if I will be able to increase 8kx clarity with new 3090 once it arrives. Still loving 8kx it is definitely my favorite headset if you have the money for proper hardware and can troubleshoot issues. Other than that I would take index if you really just want it to work, good combination of clarity and for, and track great. G2 would probably be better if you used the USB dangles for tracking valve knuckle controllers. Hope that helps.


Thanks for the thoughts on the comparison between the three headsets. I’m curious to know if you’ve tried the 8kx with the contrast and backlight adjustments that have been released recently? The colors can really be tailored to whatever saturation level you like now and the image can really come alive.


Some G2 users have said the fov can be improved by removing the magnetic faceplate and replacing with sticky back foam or even a Vive type face cover. Do you think this would make it as good as index fov.
I only play flight Sims so have only ordered G2 headset without controllers. Due to arrive in UK on 1st December.

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I have tried to mess around with the pimax color settings quite a bit. But the dark levels can never seem to match the g2 without making the image overall less vibrant if that makes any sense. While g2 is more uniform and can have the really dark dark and still maintain the vibrancy. I didn’t try to make any face modifications to the g2 face gasket but I imagine u would gain maybe 5 to 10 more on your field of view if you did that depending on your face shape. But I would hate to do that as swamping gaskets and is a great feature if you have friends over and such. Also the seal for g2 is very nice and I see almost no light leakage and you would lose that making a foam cover I imagine unless it is perfect.


Thanks for the reply! Just to be clear you have installed the updated firmware that got released on the forum this week that actually lets you adjust the backpanel lighting right?

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