Inclusion of Hand Tracking Unit

On Youtube, I saw this question:

Is the hand tracking unit gonna be available in an early bird full-package pledge, or are we gonna buy it separately?

Official Pimax account issued this reply.

You can get the package (not early bird) with hand motion module, you can get it separately later, or you can simply add additional amount to your pledge to include the module in your package

I’m not following… I switched from the $799 standard package to an early bird $749 package… does that mean I won’t get a tracking unit but would have if I had got the full pledge.

Or is it in an entirely separate package?

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OK to answer simply, The Hand tracking module is an add on. It’s not free for any package. You need to add $100 + $10 extra shipping to get it. Add $110 total and they will ship it when its ready. Possibly in February

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Is it still 110 or is it 100. On the kick starter it only says 100 is that a typo.

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This is the problem with Pimax, …there are communication problems between Pimax internally…

One one hand, Matthew.Xu is saying we have to pay $100+$10…on the other hand, in facebook.

Pimax says that we pay $100+$0 shipping…Also in the campaign itself originally it said $100 and no mention of shipping

Any problems related to this are truly due to Pimax’s own lack of clarity.

Yeah im just going to pay the extra 10 bucks and if there isnt a shipping cost on the survey i will just order more face cushions lol.

@PimaxVR, @Pimax-Support, @deletedpimaxrep1, @Matthew.Xu, @Heliosurge
Could someone once and for all answer whether Leap motion is $100 OR $100 + $10 for shipping?
I know you don’t want to propagate 3rd party modules, but I guess you have an obligation to give definitive answer, because you have offered this product before on your front-page and there are many confused backers that don’t know what to pledge.

Thank you… I finally found it on the KS page… Literally one unillustrated line under the list of accessories.

“Add $100 for hand motion.”

seems to me that if it could be both. If ordered separately, a +$10 will apply. If ordered together, postage is covered by the main parcel…

This is just guessing, though… It does seem like there are a few communication issues between their left and right hands… :grin:

Yeah its a little confusing because this whole time its been 100 +10 shipping but now the kickstarter says 100 without shipping

Last post in ks comments saud just $100. Myself just to be safe have the extra +10.

@Pimax-Support might also be able to help.

It’s pretty close to a bait and switch move…

naw it the opposite actually, lol their giving us the same thing for less money.

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I meant the shift from $100 to $110 … Yes it’s $10. Personally nothing I would overly care about, but I’ve heard I don’t care about the value of money or something :slight_smile:


This is why I opened up this thread

There will be tons of people not pledging the correct amount. Most important thing tomorrow is that we pledgers have a way to make payment if we haven’t added the correct amount

Love this product long time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah no kidding, I had to add up 8 costs for line items and shipping. I hope their survey is straight forward.


To throw in another wrench, assuming the reason for adding the extra $10 is because they plan to ship it later, say Feb/March, then since the X backers are supposed to get there unit in May, does that mean if you are an X back (like myself) you don’t need to pay the $10? (I have added it to my pledge but yea confusing…)

Hi guys,

$100 is for Hand motion module that will be packed together with your reward without extra $10.

As for other accessories listed in Kickstarter, + $10 only for shipping as the accessories increase some weight that will cause extra shipping cost. It’s not about different delivery times actually, please be advised.

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Can we pay for accessories later, now the kickstarter is over? Say, using Pay Pal or something?

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu @bacon

They stop the stretch goal at $3mil…if they continue…we would have gotten hand tracking module and scent tracking module lol.

It should be ok, we will open the official website to our backers that support the payments

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Any news on this? I would love to have the hand tracker module but cant see now to get it.