Recently purchased a Pimax 4K VR , since I have been using before is DK2, glad I did not meet some strange questions, because I have been using the Oculus runtime so I will share how I use Oculus runtime run Pimax 4kVR.
There are several places to note:
- The NVIDIA graphics driver need between 358.70-362.00.the latest driver I try can’t support OC0.8,but support OC0.6 .A little shit.
- The AMD graphics drivers using the latest
- WIN10 don’t support OC0.6, OC0.7 runtime, or install OC0.8 WIN10 users
- OC0.8 only direct mode, because I am used to the direct connect mode so I can accept
Let me share my experience in using OC0.8, OC0.6 can refer to, but must have to OC0.8 WIN10 users
This is OC0.8 driver software
The default installation and restart your computer
Restart the computer after it will appear on your computer bottom right hand corner, it is boot from the start
Double-click the icon to open,There will be some errors on this
Connect Pimax VR, you will find it recognition,Connect Pimax VR, you will find it recognition here, but there’s a video card version error message .If your graphics driver is correct, there is no the tip.
I replaced the right graphics driver version, so connected to normal
Actually this OC0.8 software I default Settings can normal operation
After I opened the steam VR, can run normally.
Is really quite simple
BTW, may I get that gift card?