In 0.6 game window start mini for me

All games i start from steam I have to remove headset and press game window so it come up as main window it is allwatys hidden now for me. Not sure what is happening.


ok! wow!
Thanks for reporting this. It is very unusual indeed.
Can we schedule a video call/screen share with us (@SweViver and I) to figure out the cause together?
If yes, please feel free to join us on Discord here: artArmin

I hope this issue gets resolved for you or anyone else who might have it, soon.

Can be something with Nvidia drivers also.

Thanks @Skidrow for the screen share! It was very helpful to find what was going on.

Alright everyone, we tested several things regarding this issue and we concluded that it had nothing to do with PE. Here is the result of our tests:

When the game was launching (either from PE or from the Steam Client, without Steam VR running), on @Skidrow’s machine, the small window of Steam VR stole the focus when it became ready. As a side-effect, depending on the game video settings, the game was either minimized if it was in exclusive full-screen mode, or it was never brought to front when it was in window or borderless full-screen mode. Either way the user had to Alt+Tab to it to give focus to the game window, to interact with it in VR.

The interesting thing here is that this behavior never happened on my machine and it still doesn’t.

So, if there is someone else out there who experiences the same issue, feel free to share your solutions on this thread.
