Imported game (Alien Isolation) with launch options/command line parameter doesn't start (PE 0.6.0)

Sorry for completely missing your posts here…

When you check the “Add to VR library” checkbox, the game will be added to your SteamVR library AFTER a first SteamVR lanch (and not instantly).
So after ticking that option, once you launch SteamVR, the runtime will put the game into the manifest file (%steam install path%\config\steamapps.vrmanifest).
Now when you quit SteamVR, and PE comes back, it will automatically add the game to your SteamVR library (NOT Imports). It will be seen as a SteamVR game, but will get a SteamVR thumbnail on default (which you can change in Game Manager).

Now remember, doing it this way, you cant change the launcher for the game. because its not an “custom imported game”. Its just a non-SteamVR game added to SteamVR library, so its imported as a SteamVR game (but properly detected and launched in a different way than SteamVR games are laucnhed). Eitehr way, it will always start with SteamVR. And if you add command line argument, it should launch the game with the command lines provided.

It was long time ago I tested Alien Isolation mod. I will give it a try later tonight or tomorrow. Today Im a bit busy with other work tasks together with Kevin.


I didn’t know but that explains why it wasn’t there… :+1::wink: I thought I tried restarting though. Probably only restarted PE. I’ll check again… :wink:

I’m aware about the downsides… :+1:

Just wanted to be able to launch it from PE… :sunglasses:


Checked again Yesterday and it’s still not there after adding it to the “VR” collection (/ adding the “VR” tag), which seems to be what happens when something is added to VR library.

BTW - Not sure why, but the “Add to VR library” option isn’t shown for Alien Isolation under properties, but it is shown when adding a non-Steam game to library.

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It seems the option is only possible for non-Steam games. Thats surprising, as I was pretty sure it was available for all Steam (non VR) games. Heres another thread confirming this already 2 years ago:

Seems like the only way is to add AI as a non-Steam game.

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Thanks for verifying that… :upside_down_face:

I think I’ve seen it too. Oh well… :nerd_face:

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