Important information if you ordered or intent to order a Pimax Headset

Just in case if you ordered or you intent to order a Pimax headset and your adress uses special characters like ä,ü,ö,ú… make sure you replace them because Pimax has a problem with special characters and therefore now they have to check every adress for missing letters.

For example

I live in the state “Baden-Württemberg” Germany and the adress on the parcel reads “Baden Wrttemberg”
It is missing an “ü” and the hyphen “-”
In this case it is not a problem because it is only the state that is wrong.
But if your adress for example looks like this things might get complicated

Jürgen Bächle
88662 Überlingen

your adress on the package would look like this

Jrgen Bchle
88662 berlingen
Baden Wrttemberg

Now i don’t know how flexible the delivery services are and if they can fix most adress problems on their own but since we have received emails from Pimax in the past because of missing adress data it would be wise to prevent this problem in the first place by replacing those characters.


Fortunately at least with DPD, redirecting to a different address is allowed and the subsidiary in my country supports it. I’m not worried that my street name has been reduced to 37 characters.

But everybody should check it as soon they get tracking.


instead of Nürnberg my adress is now written “Nrnberg” at DPD. Can they deliver or is tooooo difficult??

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I think you should be fine as long as the postcode is correct.:wink:


that would be fit to Pimax chaos if I can’t receive mine because of a damn missing “ü”…postcode is correct

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This was actually discussed long time ago here

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Ha yeah i vaguely remember that thread about standard english adresses but would never have thought a year later this still would be a problem. Also was there a email send about this matter? I just checked my mail history and there is nothing the only thing in 2017 from November was the Kickstarter survey where they asked for accessoirs…

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No harm in bringing it forward. Pimax should update their Order page stipulating this important info.

@anon74848233 @PimaxUSA @Sean.Huang @deletedpimaxrep1