IL2 Battle of Stalingrad (Moscow, Kuban, Bodenplatte)


There’s been some problems with the FOV on this great game with the new WMR headsets, where things seem smaller than it should be.

Having Pimax an even bigger FOV, and being my main interest and from many others, can you make a demo video of this game or try it to see if the problem happens as well in the Pimax 8K?

This game has arguably the best VR implementation for flight simulations out there today! I would be happy to know it’s working properly or have some time before delivery to try and troubleshoot this issue with the devs, both from Pimax and from IL2.

Thank you in advance!

@Matthew.Xu @Pimax-Support


That should be corrected by the developers of the “IL2 Battle of Stalingrad” I guess they will do it quickly studying the error with the WMR headsets; so do not worry, it will surely be fixed before the first Pimax 8K arrive.

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It’s true, probably is a bug on their end, but would be nice to know if the problem exists here as well and also would give more leverage over them to fix it.

I dont know how Pimax is going about this, but I seems it would be great to have some kind of
“User <-> GameDev <-> Pimax”
communication going on.
I think getting the Devs awareness to the possible "FOV"s of HMDs out there and consider it in their Games would be nice ( FOV being just one aspect).

Is there such a process or thread here – like a hook up to Steam or individual Game Devs?
I guess a as good as possible integration into Steam VR would also ensure a rather large consideration by Game Developers.


As commented on Pimax, the Steam VR driver already supports 200º of FOV, I think the error is from the developers; it may not be an error, but a less detailed way of drawing the graphics in peripheral vision.
A small 2D image, perhaps?


Alot of Game Devs do interact with community in steam & can be a good way to promote the PiMax headset.

Now that being said sometimes a dev will side step an issue. Lol

We had a community member contact Superhot with an issue with tracking psmove controllers. Because the user detailed the PiMax 4k headset; they ignored the fact of the psmove bug. Thanked him for letting them know that such a product exists & said they have no support to offer on the issue. Which had nothing to do with the headset.

Steam also did the same with getting support for game pad working in steamvr. Standard mechanical reply due to the headset being mentioned. They ignored the controller support bug. I believe it was an xbox or PlayStation game pad if mem serves. Grrrr lol


Sometimes they will do stuff like that yes.

Thing is, and thinking of a position where Pimax will kind of revolutionize this market, and adding the fact that WMR headsets are also having a problem, we can probably leverage them better on the issue. That’s why I ask for a test from Pimax.

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I second the testing of the Il2 BoX series with the Pimax 8K. This is the primary reason why I invested in the kick-starter and there are quite a few of us interested in how this flight sim series and the Pimax 8K match up.

The 200 FOV is quite important for combat simming as with 1 to 1 tracking it will make checking 6 much easier compared to the current headsets available. Then there is the resolution which will make plane identification easier for VR pilots over current HMD’s.

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That summarize it pretty well!

A bit disappointed with Il2 as they don’t even plan to share telemetry so will not be able to have Motion Rig moving with that Sim.
Shame really but been trying to contact il2 Devs (with others from Simtools) on their forum and no positive answer.
Hope they don’t do the same regarding Pimax

It will come eventaully. They are just focusing on more important things.