I wish we old backers did get a choice to recieve the pimax crystal and the pimax 12k so we can choose what is better suited to our liking..And return the one we dont want

Its hard to make a decision if i want the pimax12k or the pimax chrysal.

I wish we old backers did get a choice to recieve the pimax crystal and the pimax 12k so we can choose what is better suited to our liking…And return the one we dont want…

Only benefit to crsytal is lower price and coming out sooner. Crsytal doesn’t even have the trade in anyway. 12K is objectively better in every way. I would guess the crystal doesn’t have enough of a margin to facilitate the trade in or something.

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I suspect that the primary driver for deciding between the Crystal and 12K being any sort of difficult decision is lack of faith in the 12K. People who are highly skeptical of the 12K see the Crystal as a more “down to earth” model that will actually work when they assume the 12K won’t.

But both headsets are built on the same platform. The Crystal is just a cut down variant.

It’s especially appealing to people who are still stuck on outdated wisdom from conventional monitors that think you need to render at 1:1 native resolution (or close to it or whatever) and so see the 6K panels on the 12K as an overengineered detriment rather than a benefit.

For current Pimax users, the 12K is the clear choice. The only substantial reason to choose the Crystal over the 12K is the lower price, but the trade-in program makes the 12K the cheaper option for current Pimax customers. And I believe this is on purpose.

I think the Crystal is aimed primarily at current Index, Reverb G2, and Aero users. I list the Aero last because even though the Crystal is clearly Aero like in some of its specs, it’s unlikely for someone who has already bought into the Aero to move to the Crystal. I think the Crystal’s market is primarily Index and Reverb G2 users who weren’t swayed by the Aero because of its lack of audio and FOV.

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