I want to order 8K X ASAP but i'm afraid!

The simple truth :pimax_logo_png: said long ago backers would get special treatment and would be a priority.

But as @Axacuatl said in all likelihood much like how backers were supposed to receive before pre orders and didn’t happen as you know.

Since There was a backer portal and “previous” owner purchase. If :pimax_logo_png: chooses to honor Backers first then folks should just respect it if it happens on the 8kX.

As it hasn’t happened with index Packages, Lighthouses. And while not promised didn’t happen with 8k+.

More likely it will ship by region maybe after the 400.


A lot of Backers felt the same after waiting longer than Pre Orders on the 5k+ & 8k. Then seeing pre orders receive before them.

Tbh I think ppl are getting over hyped before anything actually is happening


Hello Octofox,

Our priority will got the original backers.
Then the KS backers and pre-orders, we are arranging both of these customers will receive their package at the same time. Somehow, this will decide by our logistic team, mostly will be ship out according to the order number.

Somehow, we will try our best to fulfil both parties. Hope you understand this sir.



Hello Lloyd709 @john2910

For the 8KX, you may need to check this.



There new customers preordering with no knowledge about this. They need to put a big red alert before people press the buy button. It clearly hidden and dont see it no where when I try to buy an 8kx.

One could say the same with 5k+ & 8k pre order packaging about potential delays before opening pre orders.

Imho it’s shouldn’t be looked at as a big deal. Honestly :pimax_logo_png: should have only advertised first 400 backers and just shipped how they were planning to. Then no drama on who receives first.

While not enque do think it is good if they do honor Backer’s pre orders as many backers did not receive before pre orders.

However it is likely this will mirror last attempt.

I should receive Hand Tracking and MAS as other Backers should before any Pre Orders. But I am not concerned about this detail.

I am concerned on Pimax Nonsense Sword and Sword Sense controllers and my other stretch goals like Face Foam, Fans, Prescription frames and 3 peices of content.

All of these items are low cost and simple to make and should have been released long ago.

Also concerned that Backers’ MAS was clearly advertised as having Headphones by pic and word detail and now trying to sell a poorman’s off above ear solution vs BMR index off ear. Which will be interesting as Backer headstrap is 100% clear. Standard MAS does not fit.


Hello @PimaxQuorra thanks for the update. Understood and fingers crossed hopefully everyone receives the packages around the same time then :+1:


Yeah, it’ll be a complete mix. Even preorders got theirs months before I got my KS HMD, so nothing will surpise me.
And there’s this: how many backers “upgraded”? I bet it’s 500-1000, which won’t be many days of production. Shipping will be in batches of more than a few days worth of production. So in the end it won’t make any difference at all. The statement that KS upgrades go before preorders is just a way to calm the old enemies, the backers, down.

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Yes, backers asking questions about delays are now “trolls” according to board members at Pimax.


Huh, what is this about ? Did I miss something ?


1 board member. Shouldn’t penalize them all due to the actions of 1.


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