I want to cancel my pimax crystal preorder,how do i get the refund?

last i heard about arpara was their kickstarter page had been removed as they failed to give updates or something.
it doesn’t look good for backers. iirc it was pointed out they’d done another kickstarter previous to the last 1 under a different company name and hardly anyone had received their promised hmd’s from that kickstarter. ofc arpara denied this. the whole thing is shady imo.

Apparently they are giving updates on their new Indiegogo campaign. Wtf?

Seems like they just go from 1 fundraiser campaign to the next without giving out the product.

I also remember in 2017 he was new to VR and as a channel. Certainly we were all excited by that amazing 200 fov. I certainly don’t regret my investment in the KS.
That he didn’t pussyfoot around Pimax’s plentiful fails, since then, isn’t an indictment of his degree of bias. I don’t see much unbiased behavior in most tubers. We all have are likes and dislikes.
When Pimax ghosted him it wasn’t a surprise. They have gone silent here enough times when the questions were uncomfortable.
In any case, like i said.“consensus of opinion” from all these would be influencers. Not because they are unbiased but because they are each only one personal perspective.

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