I want a commitment QA from the Pimax team for deliveries in January and April (VR Pimax 8k equal QA for all)

@Soarin @GameMaker

You two are doing a great job of twisting his words. He wants to be sure that by choosing to get the headset early Pimax can guarantee it will be tested and free from defects. A fair enough question to ask

He’s not asking them to commit to a Janurary delivery. He just wants to confirm a Janurary headset will be tested and the same quality as the second and third batches.

I recieved one of the first Pimax 4k’s and it had the faulty lens issue. It wasn’t untill 6 months later they had fixed that problem

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I think if second batch have defect while the first batch are not. People will do the same thing. Every one need the same quality of product.

Not at all. he is not asking it be “free of defects” . He wants them to make a special announcement for him that the January shipment and April shipment will have identical builds. You seem to have twisted the message… If Pimax wants to put his mind at ease its up to them clearly. We have tried to help by stating how absurd it would be for them to send half the backers an inferior product to the other half. I would not be hurt though if the commercial release has a tweak or two… that is the nature of the beast.


They def changed it, they said December for the first batch.

Yes they did change “Estimated Delivery” from Dec 2017 to Jan 2018 within if mem serves week 1. They did however not updated the 1 pic of timeline.


If they find a problem, you can bet they will fix it. Its only logical.

Remember kickstarter backers total in the 5K region, but the consumer market? The # of people waiting for this product to hit retail? We are talking 100K plus easy. They want the product to be finalized before retail. They have said that the kickstarter version IS the retail version but honestly if they find a problem, you can bet they will fix it. Why? Because no one is going to buy a new product when it hit retail with advertised flaws.

Now in the case of Occlus, all DV1 backers actually received the CV1 version which was pretty cool. But I am pretty sure that is outside the norm and unlikely.

The benefit of kickstarter is you get to be on the cutting edge of technology. You get the product early. Now one would hope that also equals the same quality as retail, however, there is no guarantee. Thats what kickstarter is all about though. In the end, no risk, no reward.

Now I understand you are trying to get them to say that the quality of the product will be the same if you choose Jan or April but quite frankly once mass production occurs, anything is up for grabs. If you are worried, I would choose April, but truth be told if you wanted a perfect product you should have considered waiting for retail.


Exactly … you have understood the intention well my message.

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If you fear that there will be an improved 8K later on why did you back in the first place?
There most likely will be, questions is whne.
HTC did improve the VIVe without saying a word after some time. Newer Vives are much lighter then the first ones.


@Jam-gino this answers your question

“Hi @bigo93,
According to the current plan, we are not prepared to change the HMD, but that we need to optimize, and according to the experience of MP, the first batch of shipment usually has some issues to be improved. Thank you”


I think the best its waiting for april if your are afraid. i will :slight_smile:


honestly… this seems a complete waste of a thread. you cant expect a company to stop any improvements on its product because you dont want it to change in a period of 3 months?!

do you think microsoft would of held back on its updates because 1 person said they dont want it to change! technology moves on my friend … if you like it or not. you cant expect to dictate to the company when they can and cant add additional features.

I remember when i bought the samsung 3d TV. yes i know… sigh! - but it was a great price!!! but then within 1 month of me getting it, they release the same model TV with added freeview and usb for playing movies off hdd’s.

was it something i could of stopped… me telling samsung not to release a better version of the TV i just purchased! Hell no.

in the world of technology 3 months is a long time, and things will change if Pimax decides to improve on their concept who are you to tell them not to!

sometimes i read the forums and just shake my head!

all you can do is ask that they try to stick to their delivery dates, if you want it in Jan… good for you… if your willing to wait 3 more months they they may of may not have improved it… who knows!

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I’m not a paranoid
I have completed the survey for January

In fact I was one of the first to support the Pimax campaign as soon as I opened the campaign I purchased a full pack Pinax 8k (early bird)

The only thing I ask and this should be is that they have a minimum acceptable quality control for all.

Do not mix defective screens or lenses as it happened previously in pimax 4k

the idea that I also proposed for the pimax team is that they mark the casing of the glasses with a logo to differentiate the 8k and 5k so to know when we receive them that we have obtained the correct version upon receiving them.

since almost nobody has tried either of the two versions and I would not know how to differentiate them and prove them.

since we do not have a comparison


You have claimed an absurd request of Pimax. When people tried to explain to you how absurd it is, you changed the wording of the original message several times, which made half of this thread pointless.

I will repeat what I wrote in another thread to someone else with the same worries:

So again: If you are that much stressed over this point choose April delivery.


change the times you want … for that there is the option to edit.

and that less than requiring a minimum of quality when we disburse such amount of money.
they to sell well they promise, I am in my right to demand.

the requirement makes projects better

Then why haven’t you bought a ready-made product in the store, and came to the kickstarter? You realize that all you ever talk about is utter nonsense

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I put my money here … because they have promised during the campaign a product with characteristics and quality that they must fulfill.
Where is the nonsense in that?

You need to be aware that may not get anything at all, because kickstarter it’s not a shop


“promised”: yes, “must fulfill”: sadly no

Of course we all hope that they keep their promise and we get that kick ass gen 2 VR HMD.

If they don’t deliver, there is nothing you can do. Of course it would hit their image hard and it would be very bad advertising for them, but demanding commitments like you did is just far away from reality.

This is a crowdfunding campaign, not a online shop.


I want to add one thing: I chose january for delivery but I would be very happy if i get it in 2018. My last kickstarter pledge came 2 years after the promised date. And two campaigns i backed never even were delivered, worst one was zano (shit) where i wasted 200€. (arrrrg!!)


ok I understand all that.

let’s hope it is not like that.

if I did not play hiring Chuck Norris and send him to distribute :wink:

Lol sounds paranoid. Do you think any company in there right mind wants to ship out defects?

The days of the Pinto & Corvere are long past. & folks still buy ford & GM; even though they deliberately maded cars with known defects that did kill ppl.