I have a feeling that Pimax 8K X will be the best headset of mankind for many years

Yeah I’d like to see some more through the lense screenshots of the 8kx and the 8k+ but not necessarily zoomed in so much before I make a choice. I definitely need a cable solution longer than 5m to get to the middle of my play area . 7m would be enough .


The extra res of the 8KX is most important for cockpit games, where you need to be able to read the instruments. Since you don’t play those types of games, the extra detail probably won’t matter as much. I read someone’s opinion that the 8K+ was good for watching movies (but not quite as good as the 8KX).

You haven’t mentioned the specific types of games which appeal to you, but if a high framerate is important, that might mean the 8K+ is a better fit.

As with all such decisions, I recommend a pros & cons list. Apply approximate weightings to each item or rank them by personal importance. That should help you make a decision. Also: They are both probably going to be better than your 5K+ (which you obviously like well enough to buy another Pimax), so in reality, either choice is a good one.


I’ll call it the best headset in the world when it’s painted black again


I’ll call it the best headset in the world as soon it arrives without any additional taxes :smiley:


Yes, that is my biggest concern. Even if the new [AAA] content is not being made, as long as it is at least supported in drivers/etc. I’m Ok. But when driver support gets ditched, like it happened recently with Nvidia 3D vision, then you can’t really do anything and your HW ends up unusable (unless you will stay forever on some old drivers which will lead to another problems and inability to upgrade GPU in future).

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Currently the Index is the best mass produced HMD out there. No distortions, best optics, best tracking, most comfort. No modding needs to be done for it to work.
8k+, 8kX will not change this for a lot of people.


The best for many years to come ? Boy, are you pessimistic about the future of VR… or is it you, Mr. Phil Spencer ??

Is it pessimistic or realistic?

That is maybe the real question. Very little leaps & bounds have come out of the competition. Really we need to wait & see if 2020 breeds “Game On”.

Playstation 5 & Next Xbox might help change tge face of adoption. But otherwise VR has still been a niche area. But is slowly growing. Stats are still quite low yet.


2020 or “many years” are two pairs of shoes, aren’t they ? I would not have argued against 2020, perhaps even 2021, but if it held true beyond that it would mean that VR is floating dead in the sea by then.

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I think the 8KX is 100%, absolutely, unquestionably, the best headset coming to the market…until the next better one comes along :wink:

Overall, VR gaming seems to be slowly gathering momentum right now. There’s been a few new AAA titles recently announced such as Asgard’s Wrath, Stormland, Boneworks etc etc and that was before Alyx was announced. Which indicates that some companies believe the investment and return is now worthwhile.

Also ingenious design and gameplay doesn’t require a huge budget. So as long as individuals are still producing the likes of Aircar and VTOL VR as well, then things are looking up.

I’m now wondering whether there’s any chance that the 8KX will be available by the time HLA shows up :slight_smile:

Given that this is now the time that some might take the plunge before the game arrives, especially with Xmas approaching, Pimax would do well to try and steal a few Index sales with a rock solid 8KX package, even if they’re not pushing on the PR front.

It’s also time to start squashing the general view that buying a Pimax = confusion and issues, with a poor order system, comms, and support, and only hardcore enthusiasts need apply. But it’s hard to disagree with that argument until the company prove it consistently in their actions. And that’s not happening yet


I agree the 8k-X is the best, on a paper atleast. Now if they could improve the game compatibility and clean up the pitool it might indeed be the winner VR headset


How long did HTC & Oculus ride on their first offerings with only minor upgrades? 4 to 5 years is an average of special purpose gaming consoles & devices.

@yanfeng was referring to the needed computing resources to drive high res & wide fov. Look at pimax’s competitors so to speak. StarVR dropped to less res than it’s original 5k & Xtal has stuck with 5k.

So Resolution wise the 8kX is likely to stay at the top for sometime. Now granted eventually we will have an 8kX oled rgb or something better than current oled. But I really don’t see the competitors from Small FoV doing anything big for I’d estimate 2.5 to 3 years.

Now we might see a bump to 130 - 140 horizontal FoV. & maybe another mild res bump. But the bigs are going to play it safer as that is where the majority of consumers are low to med priced headsets.


15 posts were split to a new topic: Questing for Oculus Quest

He’d stand outside immersed in the quest and hitting random pedestrians with the protest sign.


Im sure you will enjoy it. I do mine. Someone may want to split this into a oculus quest topic though. I was enjoying the positive thread on the 8kx. Pimax does deserve a bit of love.:wink:


I’m just waiting for a $70 coupon code for trading in my 10m cable extra order from the kickstarter, at which time I’ll be putting in an order for an 8kX, but I am not in the least convinced it will end up replacing my current Index, in spite of both the FOV, and the x1.5 step up in resolution, (…and the future eye- and handtracking expansions), due to a number of things, but amongst them first and foremost that of the optics – I hold it extremely likely most of that extra resolution will turn out to be entirely lost in blur – it is that major an issue.

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Completed. Thanks for the nudge. :beers::sunglasses::vulcan_salute::sparkles:


VR has to grow granularity of equipement.
There is no provider who will able to master the headset, the controller and the accessories properly.
Vive has done an outstanding work with the index, providing top controllers, additional trackers, but they are still behind with the headset.
stangely Pimax with the lack of support for base station and controller has an edge over the other ones and should stick to that.
Delivering outstanding headset and get all the rest from third party.
Even specific devices (like the ones that are linked to the form factor of the headset like eye and hand tracking) can be adapted very fast if you just need to design a case and integrate the software.

You missed one :stuck_out_tongue:


The point is that I don’t see this comparison to the gaming console world to be appropriate (yet).

VR is still fighting to overcome certain shortcomings in its tech to be appealing to the mainstream markets, and there is no set of competitors carved in stone.Pimax are a prime example of “anybody can produce a world-beating VR headset if they have a couple of smart ideas and execute on them”. This would not be likely in the console world today as you need to figure out the complete eco system around it too and Sony and MS are typically subsidizing the basic hardware in order to gain profits in the sale of games.

So at current VR is a pretty open playing field for anybody to participate and gain their share of the cake. Are we not looking at StarVR, XTal, Pimax, etc. ? Most of them are small companies with no larger pedigree or financial backbone, yet they could potentially provide the next big thing in VR.

Oculus with all of their research being conducted really should have given us much more than the Rift S - but they haven’t and it seems they will deliberately not push the envelope into the direction we PC-high end enthusiasts would like to see.

At current it is completely unclear what the coming 2-3 years will bring in terms of high-end VR. But as it remains a potentially very promising future market I am convinced that there are a number of projects going on which aim to provide enhanced VR experiences going beyond what the 8KX will bring to the table. And to be clear, it’s not only about the resolution (which may well still be amongst the best in class in a couple of years). If an Index with 150° and 4K per eye came out, the 8KX is overpowered immediatelly. That’s what I meant when I said that I don’t expect it to remain the best for many years. It may still be a good headset in many years, that is a different story.