I feel like Pimax deserved a shout-out in the latest LTT video

That video there. Maybe I am wrong but it seems likely to me that the portal announcement spurred this on, they even mentioned steamdeck at the end and the potential there. Bit of a shame Pimax didn’t get any mention.


When Pimax puts out a solid finished device they will get praise. You can’t force people to hype a product, especially not Linus. He tells it like it is. This applies to all reviewers. If Thrillseeker and Bradley start hyping Pimax clearly its a next gen device. It’s that simple


Not sure if you watched the video, it has nothing to do with a released product. It’s to do with someone taking an idea, which he then says would be good to apply to a handheld. Seems reasonable to have mentioned Pimax portal in the video as a point of interest, doesn’t mean they need to praise or recommend the product.

That said, I did look into it further and this idea was being tossed about by Philip2K etc before the Pimax Portal announcement so seems like it was just a coincidence timing wise. I’m sure plenty have had the idea before anyway, it’s just Pimax are the first company I know of actually implementing it but yeah, I do see what you mean that just mentioning it isn’t enough it needs to be shown working for LTT to bother shining a light on it so fair enough haha.

Linus is not somebody I hold in high regard.
And Pimax has released. Solid product; it’s called the 8kx.

The 8KX works well for a small group of people. If it were a stand out leading headset Thrillseeker, Matteo and Bradley and every other VR You Tuber would be using it as a daily driver. Unfortunately that’s not the case. I hope the new 12K puts Pimax clearly ahead of the competition. Untill then nothing will change


I haven’t watched the video. However Qualcomm was originally working on what is now the Portal by the looks of it. As it was mentioned over a year ago they were making a switch based console with the XR2.

Since it never released this year as Qualcomm had projected. It is my firm belief Qualcomm shifted to using the partnership with pimax.

That being said hand held gaming alternatives are very much on the rise.

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Not necessarily true due to price point. VR youtubers also focus on the greater Audience which are not the high rollers. If your platform has limited focus then you will have a small audience.

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Untrue. The 8KX works for most of the people who buy it. A very few, very loud voiced haters have poisoned the well to the point where many so called ‘unbiased’ reviewers dismiss the Pimax without ever having used one. Its only real flaw is that it takes some patience and expertise to set up- it’s not at all user friendly.


I would disagree. It may work for most ppl; however several pimax updates that were forced also have caused bad experiences.

For example Pimax FW update 299 for 2075 8kX is broken for Nvidia GTX cards and makes the hmd a paperweight requiring one to downgrade to 296 to get it working properly without Steamvr crashing on just about every launch.

This is a clear issue of not properly testing FW releases. Then of course the issue when they quietly released the revised model and neglected to advertise initially that it is only compatible with RTX desktop cards.

Alot of folks want to simply startup and play without needing to troubleshoot. Which is why many do not upgrade pitool or firmware often unless there are proven gains that are stable. Until pimax revisits the Original 8kX and fixes the firmware I am stuck going no higher than 298 engineer release.

Then of course we have the owners affected on the og 8kX that cannot use the DMAS. I am fortunate mine works fine.


What ridiculous argument are you making here? What works for you should work for everyone? The three people I quoted all had review units yet seemed to come to the same conclusion

The simple point I’m making is that Pimax simply need to focus their energy on one truly next gen headset. If they succeed it will naturally be specified as the best available

It’s unlikely the crystal will cut it in that regard as it’s only competing with Aero specs which has been available for more than a year now. In 6 months they will likely upgrade the displays with local dimming. Index 2 will be on the cards with huge improvements

The wide FOV 12K could potentially kick everyone’s A*ss if it becomes reality and that’s what will truly boost Pimax’s reputation


Aero has been shipping to customers for less than 1 year.

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What difference does it make? 1-2 years. Already selling in volume. My point is by the time Crystal becomes fully functional/ available the landscape will be different. I’m not here to down Pimax, Just stating reality. The 12K would be a game changer. The large form factor justified by FOV. True next gen resolution


I will add something here for perspective. @Davobkk is one of the older members of this forum. From the time long before the KS with the p1 hmds like the p4k. He was the one that had suggested making the 5k as originally it was going to be just the 8k hmd.

After he founded his own company “Studioform Creative” making comfort accessories for VR hmds; he ran a contest here promoting pimax with some nice prizes like his comfort straps which has gained a lot of popularity amoung a wide variety of hmds.


Pimax has sold thousands of 8KX’s. Your argument that the very negative experiences of a small percentage of users is that of all of us is absurd.
I don’t claim it’s perfect- but my experience with help from folks in this forum, and with excellent online tech support from Pimax has made my experience with the HMD extremely satisfying.
I have, if you read my posts clearly and fairly have always criticized the pimax’s shortcomings in terms of user friendliness. I still wouldn’t trade my 8kx for anything short of the 12K.
@Heliosurge you are correct about software issues and firmware problems. Those have been serious and a clear frustration for many of us. I really should have thought of that.
I stand corrected.


Dude. Why are you loosing your sh*t at me? Nobody’s claiming the 8KX is rubbish. Read the dam topic before resorting to tribalism and posting such nonsense. Small baguette posted that Linus should shout out Pimax for the Portal development. Pimax is well connected with all these channels and I simply stated they need to complete a fully functional “next gen” device if they want glowing reviews from You Tubers. I’ve watched every impressions of the 8K-X. The general consensus it has pros and cons. Not a clear winner. If it works perfectly for you that’s excellent


Afaik there have been several not bad sized YouTubers who liked the 8KX and even Thrill seemed to like it with caveats. MRTV liked the 2076 model, DiscoVR, ParadiseDecay, VRFLIGHTSIMGUY all liked it iirc, there maybe more idk about.


And that is the unfortunate thing that this kind of support has not been consistent. It is equally absurd that you equate people whom had horrible experience with pimax support as haters.

Your biased because of your good support that you label those whom have terrible xp as haters. 1 fellow whom has stuck with pimax was sent 10 defective hmds. With them on each trying to offer coupons. Is support improving? Yes but it is still slow with more often(than it should at this point) requiring Quorra to step in to get proper resolution.

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Well even a certain fellow with a Star Trek planet name here for all his complaints has still stuck with pimax so far. He has youtube channel and was at one time labelled on Reddit as a hmd hype jumper. He would start hyping a new headset to shortly (Generally a month) afterward criticizing and saying it is horrible. That is until pimax. Does he criticize pimax? Yes but he hasn’t jump ship yet despite his ramblings. lol

He even labelled himself as “Self entitled Karen”

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@Heliosurge Hm. I suppose I am a bit biased- but all of these admittedly horrible experiences add up to exactly how many users? Of course, in retrospect, I take, and agree with your point. ONE user going through 10 iterations of a headset is too many.
Still, for every reviewer who craps on Pimax, I can find one who actively likes the 8kx.
But again, I take your point, and Dave’s. Sometimes I get so frustrated with some of the youtube reviewers and posters in this forum, that I over-react. Pimax has been working on customer service and quality control. I hope the company continues to improve enough to ‘up’ their image. I think they deserve better, but you and Dave are probably correct in that they need to prove it, and earn it.
Apologies to all.

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Hey no worries we all have biases based on our experiences. Honestly it is very difficult get a real set of numbers. Amazon in one fashion can give an idea on there platform based on user reviews. However that is only 1 platform. It is quite natural to defend a product/company where your xp is top notch; with the reverse being true as well.

Majority of products likely have small fallout due to mishaps. I had commented about weight before. Varjo and Xtal shipping a defect/customer complaint will have more weight as the volume of production is quite low.

Because as you have said yourself people whom have had a bad experience are often louder than those whom are happy. Happy ppl are known for more not advertising there contentment.

However an angry customer can equal a minimal of 10 lost sales with sharing there experience.