Im on Firmware 263 and Pitool 258 and for some reason whenever i try 144hz mode i get a double image. Basically the same image rendering for each eye, example when I turn on the 5k+ i see 2x pimax logos.
Anyone else run into this issue? Every other hz mode works fine but the much awaiting 144.
Basicly you adjust Pitool IPD until both Pimax logos overlap exactly to be one logo.
I did close left Eye and switched to close right Eye back and forth until the logo is on point.
That method is also good to find out if you need to adjust Vertical IPD.
I found out Right display need +2 vertical adjust.
So if you see the Pitool logo, and one logo is more up or down than the other, in that case you also need to adjust vertical IPD.
Never had a more imersive view like that before