Htc Vive Pro 2 To use Droolon Eye Tracking? Whaat?

I just spit my coffee out.


You can click the picture for more details

Apparently its called the F2.

What does this mean?. I will be pretty pissed if their version somehow actually works.

On the othet hand if it does maybe Pimax will benefit by getting better tracking also?

I’m honestly surprised by this , because more and more the VivePro 2 is seeming like they are going the Pinax route.

Not being a natively supported SteamVR headset, meaning having to use their own “ViTool” software to adjust resolution and their own BrainWarp tech.

Having modular addons , now including the very eyetracking solution that currently most of us have written of as “not working”

Is the Vive Pro 2 basically an Artisan8KX+ with only a small FOV mode?

Yep, that’s the version where Droolon actually put effort in to make it work :wink:

We’ll have to grant it to them, that a) it’s for a substantially smaller FoV, b) still costs 299$ and c) has a much higher potential prospect list as the Vive Pro & Vive Pro 2 population is much bigger than the Pimax population…


I hope that the tracking software of this device is the same as for the Pimax version (my assumption is yes). A bigger customer base can only be benefitial for all users.

Actually 7invensun was in batch two of the HTC VIVE X gobal VR accelerator: VIVE X | Portfolio Companies and Partners.
It seems that HTC does not want to licence Tobii for eye-tracking anymore.

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I think it is the Droolan F1 was already marketed on the Vive iirc @chiagod posted about it on reddit when the Droolon pi was released.

The interesting thing though is prior HTC seemed to be more partnered with Tobii.

Not surprising though with HTC going with Modular. With the previous tension between Valve and HTC that caused a lot of issues for other companies. No surprise that Valve has maybe put HTC in part out in the cold.

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This surprisingly does NOT make me feel better. I just want my eyetracking to be worth something.

Its funny because that new desktop Tobii eye tracker states it only works up to 21:9.

I asked if it could work on my 32:9 and they said No.

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MRTV‘s review is to be found here:

On the squarish design of the lenses - one advantage this offers is the higher potential use ratio of the displays (versus the lost part hidden as invisible edges). However, that gain probably is countered by the loss the one display approach brings with it - the IPD dialer will need some room to work with, so we wont utilize the panels as good as it would be in a setup with two separate, mobile screens.

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