Here is the official list of partners they have, maybe Pimax could try to do partnerships with those too?
are u sure that suggestion makes sense in any way?
why should HTC, Pimax and others partner with a competitor for steam compatible headsets?
Maybe he/she was saying Pimax partner with the companies that Vive has partnered with. Otherwise yeah makes no sense for Pimax to partner with HTC.
I meant it for a list of companies that could be useful for Pimax. VR industries that could bring something.
yes, competition between companies.
i see…
the list of partners Pimax claimed in the KS campaign looked more valuable to me:
3Ality, AMD, BMW, Disneyland, NomadicVR, nVidia, LeapMotion, SteamVR, Valve
in the end its marketing only, whereas i hope Pimax gets a lot of HW partners for modules (leapmotion), platform (valve) and customers using their headsets at industry grade scales (Disney). That’s a good base for trust in further development and support… with that smaller companies will adopt for sure as well.
Thanks for your suggestion, and I’ll transfer your suggestion to the project team. Thank you
We are discussing with VIVE, maybe will have a announcements in the near future.