HP Reverb now or wait for Pimax 8K X

I can tell they solved the display problems:

My has:

  • no mura
  • no flickering
  • with IPD of 68.5 I can see a very sharp and feel not crosseyed

It’s available again, if anyone is interested: HP® Computer and Laptop Store | HP.com


Although I remember you were only having a short ride on the Reverb + IPD issues, how did it compare to the OD+ ONLY in terms of SDE?

Yeah, I’ve only used the Reverb for about a day, so it’s probably better to ask somebody like @nukular
But from what I remember you could still see SDE but only if you really REALLY tried hard. So quite comparable to the O+. In general I would definitely say SDE isn’t an issue anymore on these panels.


That’s promising news for me, since many people moan about clarity of the OD+ and tend to mix up their impressions.
I for sure hope that the Pimax controllers can be used with any headset, just like the wands (with a little setup) so at least that part gonna be great.
The SDE of the 8k is really ok-ish but for slow pace games I still prefer the OD+
If the SDE of the reverb is on par, it means that we have finaly entered a stage of great panels.
Would not have thought that SDE becomes that important, but after the OD+ (which I optimized like crazy) it’s hard to unsee SDE on inferior panels.

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@nukular I have somehow missed your post, but I must admit that I am surprised by what Reverb reports in hmdq.

Basically it says that views (and possibly panels) are canted by 0.01 degree, which does not make much sense from the user perspective, but makes the whole geometry calculation (and rendering) much more complex.

Plus it also reports a hidden area mask, but again of an insignificant surface, so again, the intention is not clear at all. I wonder why HP did this.


Could this be the cause?

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Unexpectedly comprehensive calibration coefficients? :7


Hacks do sometimes cause weird side effects… :wink::+1:

Guess it’s easy to verify:

Reset hack, run hmdq again… :slightly_smiling_face:


I am not that familiar with the Reverb registry hack, but I would expect that increasing the IPD will just shift the eye position (=the tip of viewing frustum), but not rotate the views.


I agree, but there might be a bug somewhere as it’s not the intended usage… :+1::wink:

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What is interesting is that Reverb is the first headset I know of, which has canted views, but apparently does not offer parallel projection mode. So any app, which does not support canted views, may struggle with that, and while the rotation is insignificant, it would not make the wrong app less wrong.


I used to own a O+ and the Sde is very similar to the reverb. Almost non existing…


Just a plain man’s thought: pretty sure the views (and possibly the panels) are not intentionally canted by 0.01 degrees in any direction. Must be a bug somewhere.

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Small enough to be simple rounding errors somewhere along the line, perhaps…

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Pretty good review in my opinion, in that I felt exactly the same: HP REVERB Review. I really want it to be ... - YouTube in short: awesome resolution but other than that not recommendable.


If you can get the software settled for the pimax 4K, you wouldn’t even need to worry about HP reverb

The panel seems more than capable of going a lot brighter then they have it set to, as does the saturation, and it really helps minimize the ghosting when a really bright image goes through the shutter glass.

I think with some fine-tuning to shutter speed, brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness, we wouldn’t even need to ask the question what was better vis 4k or reverb.

I’ve been playing in my 4K for hours and it’s never fogged-up. In racing games I can finally read all the gauges, it’s great.

All the 4K needs is proper implementation of its color compression technology to give us full 4K 60 hz, and then much more direct control over the display with sliders to fine-tune each characteristic.

It’s a really cool device it’s just insanely frustrating to be able to see what it could do if you had more control over it.


Unfortunately I think they have let the 4K go by the waist side.


If that’s the case, it is a really bad business decision.

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The panel actually IS (extremely) bright, if your remove the shutter glasses you’ll see the brightest panel ever, in fact, so bright that many who removed the shutter glasses used my mod to turn brightness below the pimax levels and it would still be very bright. But without shutter glasses the ghosting is of course way worse.

Yeah I had love for the pimax 4k, also because it was the first HMD I owned and I guess of course for the price you can’t go wrong, but comparing it to the Reverb, well I wouldn’t go there myself :slight_smile: The ghosting alone kind of ruins it, then there’s the dull, washed out colours because of the shutter panel, no HMD tracking, horrible to use for people with big IPD’s (way worse than the reverb). We never could get 4k native going because of the DSC that nobody used etc. Again, a fun device, especially for the price, but even compared to the Reverb you can’t take it very seriously (unless you look at price)