How to test with just the headset?

Ok, LONG story short, was planning for a rather in depth VR setup. Plans changed but plans changed well after the campaign. So, I have an 8k Headset only (no base stations or sensors to detect it). What would be the best way to do a basic video test? So far I can get a green LED and a “grey” display but nothing else. I just want to verify the unit works.

What I do have is a PC that exceeds the specs so, thats covered at least. Just wondering if i can even test it at all (Steam shows it as asleep “move headset to wake it up”)

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If you set it up for seated vr you can just start steamvr and it’ll show up

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Remember to disable the lighthouse tracking in Pitool.


Gamepad supporting 3dof games/experiences and VorpX. Till controllers/lighthouses get ready drivers and support would be better I assume. Just wonder if our pimax’s will survive till that time with all those cracks and holes on the upper left side especially…

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You can run Google Earth if you start the demos from the mirror on your desktop.

Yes many games you can test, you should have a gamepad though.

You can even use a mouse for some apps/games. Simple VR Video Player is one such program.

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I recommend every newbie to VR to first fire up the Luckys Tale with the Pimax, it looks awesome and runs great at Pitool max 1.25. Needs a gamepad tho.
Maybe the GoogleVR is possible with the keyboard, idk. It’s pretty awesome, you can go to Angkor Wat or the Statue of Liberty FREE without polluting the Earth.

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