How to pair Pimax 8k x with HTC SteamVR Base Station 2.0

All you need to do is make sure the base stations are using correct channels.
Just turn on the base stations while your Pimax is up and running, then:

  1. Grab a needle or something sharp
  2. Push once with the needle inside the small hole at the back of your base station (see image below).
  3. Now wait a few seconds
  4. If channel is correct, your base station icon in PiTool will blink and then become blue (active) in PiTool.
  5. If channel is not correct, the base station will stay grey in Pitool. Then try pushing one more time with the needle, and repeat step 2 to 5 until both your base stations are detected in PiTool.

This is only required to be made once, and the channels will be saved for all later use.