How the render target resolutions and the supersampling factors of Pimax and SteamVR work together

Thank you ! I change my maind, now I’m happy to use the last beta 129 !!!


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I missed this one. Can anyone give a TL:DR version? I haven’t figured it out after almost one year of using Pimax headsets. Pitool render factor first, or SteamVR render factor first? Better set Pitool render factor high, or SteamVR render factor high? For 2080Ti, is there a recommended value for both now?


I don’t think it matters which is “first”. Both factors are multiplied together to yield the final scaling amount. Pimax has stated they do more than resize when the quality setting is increased.

Personally, I try to leave Pimax quality at 2 and SteamVR SS on automatic, but it depends on the game.

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As you see it is basically a matter of taste. I have PiTool RQ at 1.0 and then only tweak SteamVR global supersampling, which, considering I am only playing two games, mostly stays at 100% too.