How play EVE Valkyrie on PIMAX?

Bought it on STEAM but u cannot play in STEAM VR-mode!
Solution anyone?

Eve Valkyrie works for me in SteamVR with my Pimax.

Are you able to play any SteamVR games at all?
I didn’t have to do anything special to get it running.

Hi Roland! Yes with other games everything works out well. Have just updated to the Piplayer beta. In Steam don´t see the option “Play with Steam VR”, just Play with Oculus. When I start the game it´s just a big grey screen on my pc and nothing in the Pimax? The game says “no headset found”. Is it extended mode I shall choose? (Its what I have now).

No, I play all SteamVR games in Pimax Mode

In other games u see the option “play in steam vr mode” but not Eve V…?

I have Eve: Valk from Steam. I told steam to make a desktop icon for it. Now when Piplay is running and the headset connected in Pimax mode I click the desktop icon. Steam VR automaticaly starts and then the game works perfectly.