How long from shanghai to US?

last update on my preorder is that it has shipped from shanghai, that was 3/25. it’s been 14 days, any idea how long before it hits US distribution?

@mozi @PimaxUSA

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My ks supposedly left by 3/15, so I can tell you it takes more than 24 days.

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lol (20 characters…)

Average 3 years…


My HMD left Shanghai ( by ox cart ) bound for Hong Kong over 2 weeks ago. Still travelling via the Silk Road avoiding Mongol bandits and such. If it arrives in HK, it will be loaded on to a slow boat from China. Pimax must have signed an iron clad contract with the worst logistics company on the planet or they don’t get it that they are not getting a modern service. What ever company they are using is just adding to Pimax’s own internal lack of organisation. The shipping costs aren’t exactly cheap. Pimax, get lawyered up and get out of the contract that you have with these clowns. They are NOT helping your business.


Not helping? Well said. I think they are not only killing PIMAXs reputation, but also doing a real damage causing cancel requests. Pimax not only struggling with bad transportation. Everone could understand a long delivery from china. But there are multiple issues. But to say “well it left the factory, theres nothing more we can do“ is the worst thing. Because as a customer there is litterally noone responsible for your goods. That is so bad.


or my god I didn’t want to do this post for fear of the answers I just read.
I am waiting for my 8k (Italy).
And my tracking is signed 3/25 from Shanghai

Siamo in 2, stessa data ! lol

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No need to worry, you will definetily receive your device sooner or later! Everyone has received it. But you need to be very patient.

Edit: There are still a couple of people which havent received it. Including kickstarter backers.

Just got some info on the shipment thats been Shipped out from Shanghai for a while now. I asked mozi last Friday this

Was wondering if you have any new info on the P123*** order as it was supposed to arrive to the US warehouse this week but have not heard anything.

He then just replied this

Your headset will be arranged the delivery these two days.

So hopefully we will all get some tracking info soon!!!

having spent 15 years in manufacturing and logistics, the last 6 for a major video game publisher, and having imported plenty of items from china, i know how painful it can be. that said, there are always options to speed things up.

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You might want to restate that “everyone has received it” sentence. This is one kickstarter backer with nothing.

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to forgive my bad english,
I’m not sure I understood the meaning of your sentences with translator …
my pimax is arriving shangai the 25th of march is not change …
How long do you think he will put to get to the UK warehouse?

this delivery system for 60 dollars is really impermissible …
I order in Argentina last, and it takes a week of transport to arrive in front of my door. tracking recus Monday 8 April, deliver on 16 April for 60 dollars

@anon74848233 said, it usually takes 10 days at most?

Lucky you that you spent $ 60 on shipping,
to me it cost 120 .:money_mouth_face:
And 16 days have passed from the writing shipped out from Shanghai.
I hope for a program update or possibly a headset tracking :thinking:

just received an email from pimax with my ups tracking number, delivery scheduled for next thursday!

now here’s the bad part, i paid on a second order to upgrade to the 5k XR and it looks like they shipped the 5k+


Got my tracking today too :grinning:

Anyone know where Kevin and the US warehouse is actually located? Keep seeing conflicting info.

I am happy for you you will have fun at Easter :confetti_ball::grin::hugs: