How does the Pimax 8k Compare to the PSVR?

Hi all,

This post is aimed at those who have tried the Pimax 8k.

I have been playing and using the PSVR which is not bad considering the price tag. However, I am left somehow disappointed with the image quality especially when watching videos.

Unfortunately, the Samsung Odyssey is not available in the UK as I hear it has the same resolution as the Vive pro.

Could someone please help with the comparison in terms of image quality? Will the improvement be spectacular or should we still expect some pixelation due to the proximity of the lenses and the low pixel density?

Thanks in advance

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Going from PSVR to the Pimax 8k should be a major jump in clarity when you consider that the PSVR uses one 1080 x 960 screen and the Pimax 8k uses two 4k panels. One for each eye. Although it doesn’t run them at native 4k, it takes two 1440p signals and upscales those to 4k. Either way, it should look a lot clearer than PSVR and there should be less sde. Although that last part might not be as drastic because if I recall correctly, PSVR has a diffusion filter to reduce sde.


About that upscaling, is there any smoothing involved with that or is it simply grouping pixels and treating them as one?

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I believe it is smooth.

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So does a one pixel movement translate to a one pixel movement in the headset too?

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Uh. Well the psvr is probably the least impressive proper vr headset in terms of raw specs. And the 8k takes a dump on the best vr headsets out today. So I would say a pretty radical leap upwards.

I’m really hoping so . I have started with a very low spec so i can feel a noticeable change

short of upgrading from a gear vr, or a nintendo virtuaboy i dont think you could make a bigger leap.


Tbh a simple comparison SD(480p) vs 1080p would likely be a good comparison.

Psvr say vs vive pro. Sd(480p) vs 720p.


Ah but it does compare well to rift & vive in image quality especially if psvr dialed up onba good pc.

Psvr actually isn’t a bad headset. It uses RGB OLED which none of the other headsets have so even though the resolution isn’t quite as good, the SDE is practically nonexistent. SDE wise it’s comparable to the pimax 8k in my experience, possibly a little better even. It also has better colors and contrast since the pimax uses LCD panels. Of course, the pimax beats it dramatically in resolution and FOV.

I wonder if 2017 Gear VR on an S8 looks better than PSVR due to the high pixel count of the S8 screen?

Might be a good idea to compare a Gear VR also to a Pimax 8K in a huge group test maybe alongside the likes of Oculus/Vive etc, once the 8K is launched.

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True, but it has such a “chunky” pixellated effect due to the very low panel resolution, that as soon as you try something better like the 4K or any Windows Mixed Reality headset, you don’t want to use it anymore.

PSVR will probably fade out very fast as soon as WMR will possibly start selling in EU and new headsets like the 8K will come out.

You forget to say that PSVR2 will be 16K Microled at 200 euro in 2020 with PS5 free

I have 3 Windows Mixed reality headsets, the Oculus Rift, PSVR, had the Vive, and have tested the Pimax 8k and do not agree that you won’t want to use PSVR anymore after trying any of the others. It’s true the pixels are rather large on the PSVR but on many titles I find I like the lack of SDE better than the decrease in resolution. In addition, there are a number of titles exclusive to PSVR that you can’t play on any other headset. You also fail to take into account that the PSVR is the only console headset available, so unless Microsoft releases WMR for xbox, which they have given no indication they are going to do, it pretty much has the market for consoles and won’t fade out fast just because other PC headsets come out, especially ones as niche as the Pimax. If you look at the numbers of headsets sold, PSVR is still ahead of all of the PC headsets combined.


After I had all the pc’s helmets, I bought PS4 Pro and PSVR v2 to test and sell. But now I do not want to sell, because the quality was higher than I expected - low SDE, excellent lenses, 3D sound, good FOV.
Resident Evil 7, Farpoint + Aim Controller, Rush Of Blood, Wipeout Omega, Megaton Rainfall, Bound and another excellent 2D exclusives. It’s even too much for my free time.
But I also bought the Samsung Odyssey again. I have the best solutions for today.
And for my 70 mm IPD - PSVR is much better than all WMR except Odyssey.


Indeed & lets not forget annoying time delayed exclusives.

Reddit had a beautiful example of how good psvr can be on a good pc to drive it.

Do you have any stuttering or smearing problems in the Odyssey? I really want to buy one but thoes are the bad things I have heard about it. Sounds like software problems not hardware?

It depends heavily on the target the user is doing with such an headset, for someone who relies a lot on serious racing and flight simulations it’s not very much useful to have a PSVR, and believe me, any serious racing player really hates to see the road in the distance so pixellated that the incoming cars are not even idetifiable and the road details are very scarce, this feeling is even bigger if having played on huge OLED Tv’s at 4K resolutions on a PSPro and high end Pc’s with big ultra wide screen before buying the PSVR, feels like such a a step backwards…

So…yes…maybe a subjective thing but as soon as I’ve tried the Pimax 4K, then an Explorer, the desire to play on the PSVR is almost nonexistant anymore, just like with an Oculus Rift and a Deepon DK1 I had in the past, they felt almost like kid’s VR toys at some point :slight_smile:

Maybe for someone playing console games of many kinds, platform games etc. this would be different, but if you play things like DCS World and the like…it’s a road with no return, at least for me, having not much to do with marketing numbers.

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Yeah, for racing games, I would think that an 8KX would be the best choice. It’s a pain, when distant objects are just a few pixels.