How do I uninstall pimax experience?

How do I get rid of this software?
It runs at 5-20fps and I can’t click on anything.
Like I point my vive controllers at things and click hundreds of times, and nothing ever happens, none of the buttons work, can’t change a single setting, and the default settings are overriding my pitool settings causing everything to be wrong and I can’t adjust anything.

Do I just need to blow out all of the pitool software on my PC and just reinstall the pitool version I want to use?


Just disable it in PiTool (uncheck “Start Pimax VR Home” - which it has replaced):


thank you so much!
Looks like it has potential, just was not working for me.


The next PE update increases the menu FPS massively. Should be out in the next day or two.


I have exactly the same problem, not sure why. Plenty of GPU and CPU power.

Installation might not have worked correctly, haven’t had a chance to try and fix it.

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Just a suggestion: Maybe You should get the PiTool guys to replace the wording on the checkbox so it reads: “Start Pimax VR Experience” ?


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