How do I launch oculus "first steps" in pimax?

I tried to launch the first steps on pitool, but I couldn’t find one. Can anyone help me on this?

If you already have Oculus Home installed prior to pitool it should import games to pitool to launch.

However watch your AV as it often blocks that part of the installer. As it installs some files to Oculus Home Dir.

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I keep reading about Oculus Home, but I cannot find it anywhere. There is only VR Home on the Oculus website, which seems some software on how to set up a virtual house.

Which is the correct software as I am trying to run Condor 2 glider simulator with my Pimax?


Thank you for the reply, but the thing is that I do have several oculus games in my pitool but only “first step” is not in the list. I already did what you have suggested.

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Have you tried manually importing the Oculus First Steps exe (TouchNUX.exe) in PiTool My Games?

Its in the Oculus software folder/Software/oculus-first-contact/TouchNUX.exe


Oculus home is just the main Oculus software that installs the Oculus store and Oculus runtimes.

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Ok. Thank you all.
I will have to wait till Oculus comes out with a fix.

In the meantime I will try Sweviver’s suggestion as well.

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Importing the TouchNUX.exe into my games in Pitool did the trick! Now I can fly Condor 2 with my Pimax again. :grin: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Thank you so much for this great advice @SweViver

P.S. The installation path was slightly different in my install.
I found the TouchNUX.exe at

C:/Program Files/Oculus/Support/oculus-touch-tutorial/WindowsNoEditor/TouchNUX.exe.

Hope this helps,



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