Hitman vr coming to pc 20th jan

Hitman vr coming to pc 20th jan, looks interesting:

I’m not sure if all 3 hitman games are getting vr’d or just hitman 3?
Vid says support for “index and rift” hmd’s, hope it works on pimax too. I’ve never played the hitman games but i like the idea of being able to approach scenarios your own way.
Looking forward to it.


Lets hope it dont need parallel projection…


It‘s supposed to be Hitman 3 with VR support, and you can load the levels of Hitman 1&2 to play them with VR support too. Not sure what that will do to the game experience of those two predecessors: could mean that you miss out on the cut scenes etc. inbetween levels and don‘t get to follow the story as much.

We‘ll learn in 3 days…


Thursday I’m going to Sapienza in VR! To suffocate Silvio Caruso with the pilow :stuck_out_tongue:


if this needs PP on again ima cry :frowning:


And guess what its free if you have gamepass like me.

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I already bought the game last year but still haven’t played it because I want to play it in vr but I hadn’t noticed the PS VR exclusive😅
And now it’s finally coming :partying_face:
To bad I had to rma my index controllers and it’s already been more then a month and it seems there out of stock so this sucks bigtime :frowning:

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Interesting, The controllers show in stock in the store.

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I just checked but it says there out of stock probably 2 to 4 weeks before they will be available again so nothing I can do but wait

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Must be geographic. They show in here.


It is.

As far as I recall in Europe, for example, they have a warehouse in the Netherlands.

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Makes me wanna play this game even more :slightly_smiling_face:

I might do the $1 month for new gamepass subscribers to see if i like the game before buying it for about £30+(about $40 usd). I could’ve and should’ve bought the game when it was on offer for about $18 a couple of months ago in preparation for the vr version, but i honestly thought the vr version was gonna be a separate full price purchase, like skyrim vr and fallout vr, doh!

My right controllers thumbstick sticks now and again, cant rma it as i bought it used from ebay only a few months ago, pretty sure the seller knew of the fault :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Really I think it’s in France because I had to send my headset there after it cracked and I am living in the Netherlands :slightly_smiling_face:

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That really sucks to bad people are like this being honest is not that hard I can’t imagine selling something that’s not ok just to make my problem someone else his problem but I ordered some sticks from alie expres and I have a tutorial on how to fix a defective stick I can post it here if you want it?

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Ok yeah cool post the fix please, thx, at worst i can’t do it and i won’t try unless i think i’m able to do it. Yeah it sucks some people sell bad stuff, i buy or used to buy a fair bit from ebay to keep costs down.

This controller i have, i noticed it stick within the 30 days ebay refunds policy but i thought it was just me not operating the thumbstick properly so i never chased it up. But since then ive realized its a pretty common fault with them. If i can’t fix it i may sell it, disclosing the fault ofc, and get a new 1.

Edit: when i said it sticks i meant to say it sometimes, like 1 or 2 in 10 times, doesn’t register a left input on the right thumbstick.

They could have a repair center there.

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I’m kinda in the same boot. Also waiting for the controllers. It’s been two weeks now. I’m dying to play something else than sims. :wink:

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interesting on the latest post from the dev they show compatible hardware , Pimax isn’t listed at all compatible or incompatible, though interestingly they single out the reverb g2 as incompatible… not WMR, just the g2. I wonder what that means.

Hopefully with Pimax it works fine large fov, 90hz, 100% render, no parallel projection :angel: at least the index controllers are explicitly supported

from an adjacent thread: Do Not Try and Play Hitman 3 on an 8kx : Pimax :frowning:


You should be used to Pimax being ignored by now. I wouldn’t worry.

I’m downloading from gamepass now, I was looking on steam to see if I already owned it, but I stopped following the Hitman franchise after Hitman Absolution.

I’m so confused. So it looks like Hitman 1 (2016) isn’t a single game its appears to be free with purchased episodes. Is that correct? That’s so weird why did they do this?

Edit: Who is that dud on reddit who says dont try an play on Pimax. DOes he have any credibility? Surely he is on these forums?

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Does somebody have a link for steam for this game?I cant find it somehow…