High performance and clarity on a 1060

There was a method here on the forums a while back for increasing the Pimax resolution using Nvidia DSR. I can’t find it now though, so I don’t know who to give credit to. Cheers, whoever that was.

Basically, this is what you do:

  1. Install piplay 1.1.92
  2. In Steam VR settings, disable direct mode.
  3. In Nvidia control panel, enable DSR, and increase the resolution of the pimax display. You will probably have to restart the pimax after that. Now, in extended mode the resolution has been increased. You can check in games like Half Life 2 Beta, it displays a higher resolution. I chose 3413 x 1920 (1.78x) because it looks great with little performance loss.

Now this is what I do to increase performance (on a 1060 and below, you people with 1070s/1080s probably won’t be interested):
4) In Steam VR, lower supersampling rate to 0.9. This gives me a big performance boost with a slight loss of fidelity.
5) In Steam VR settings, enable Direct Mode.

For me that gives the best balance of performance and fidelity. The image is much clearer at distances but still runs at the same frame rate as before. I think this works because DSR is a much better method of supersampling. For me, VR is unplayable if I raise the supersampling past 1.1 in steam, and it barely looks different, but by lowering it and using DSR, the gains are huge.

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  1. extended mode is not for games, no need to disable something in steam, you can easily change the resolution in extended mode.
  2. disabling direct does nothing, it enables (probably) each time you run a game.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean.
Extended mode is for some games, like Half Life 2.
I just use steam to enable and disable extended mode. Sure you can do it using piplay too, but for me every time I try to use extended mode in piplay, it fails to connect. Steam is just easier and it works every time.
And to do this, you need to go into extended mode by disabling direct mode, in order to change the resolution. It won’t show up in the control panel if you don’t. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t enable each time you run a game.

Now i understand what you mean, good info :slight_smile:

What is the default value for the super-sampling rate in Steam VR? I’m guessing 1.0? Also how do you get it? opt into the beta i’m assuming?

Exactly right, David.

Hi jonnypanic,
very interesting way to get the best of Pimax 4K that I want to try it, just a question, in Piplay 1.1.92 there are 3 modes; Extended Mode, Direct Mode and Pimax Mode, which one did you use it to do this ??? coz Steam vr works with Direct Mode and Pimax Mode.


In Piplay, Pimax mode, then using Steam VR to disable direct mode to activate DSR. I use direct mode in steam for most games. Basically completely ignoring piplay.

Hi Jonny, I was just wondering (with Piplay 1.1.92)… Whats the difference with Direct Mode and Pimax Mode ??? Better Resolution ??? Optimized CPU or GPU resource ??? cause I do not see any difference with DSR (I have a GTX 980 ti) with Both modes… I ask you just to know the best way to play (Resolution and Headtracking).


DSR applies only if you use extended mode through steamvr, that means piplay stay in pimax mod + you have to disable direct mod in steamvr. We can call that “extended game mod”, where in-game resolution affects your picture, while in all other mods in-game resolution will be always forced to fullhd or 2k.

Thanks Industria, I will try it.
The last time that I did it (Disable Direct Mode in Steam VR), my Pimax 4K disconnected. I will do it again, maybe I am doing something wrong.


Hi Industria … I did the trick “extended game mod” and I have to say that it looks terrific, I had never seen my Pimax 4K so clear and detailed, now I can play in 4K resolution or more !!! (DSR of course ;)), now I need help to how to config the headtracking to emulate the mouse ??? Freepi or Opentrack ??? or both ??? If someone can help withs plaease would be really nice.
I invite everyone to try this,

Greetings !!!


1- Piplay 1.1.92 instaled.
2- Make shure you had DSR is activated it.
3- Swicth to Pimax mode.
4- Start SteamVR and disable Direct Mode.
5- Once SteamVR notify that if you want to return to direct mode dismiss and stay in Extended Mode.
6- Close SteamVR.
7- Now in windows resolution properties chande to 4K resolution (3840x2160).
8- Change resolution inside your game.

NOTE: Remember this is “Extended Mode” and to see Side by Side in the Headset I use to get it with Vorpx or Tridef or Depth Map Based 3D post-process shader.

I think you should not close steamvr, steamvr is always required and i think steamvr providing headtracking as well.
All you need to do is to run extended mode, launch game, set resolution - enjoy. At least this is how it works in Elite dangerous, not sure about other games.

Thanks Bro, already solve it with Opentrack…Really nice resolution with headtracking.