Help us to verify eye relief of westerner (it may impact the FOV)

Dear All,
As you know the Westerner and easterner’s face profile are different, you can refer below picture.

eye relief ( the distance between pupil and VR lens )  value of Westerner is high
while eye relief value of easterner  is low.

 Higher eye relief will cause lower FOV

Some westerner customer report pimax’s FOV is small than we easterner’s feeling.
it might due to the different eye relief.
if someone could help us to verify this would be great.

Take off the foam to check the FOV become bigger?

Yes, I have more FOV without foam.

Also, I have a foam from another HDM that is thinner than Pimax and I also have more FOV with the other foam.

I moved the foam to the edge a bit more and it increased the fov. Just peel of the foam (Velcro ) and position it further out.
Good tip,thank you for bringing it to the attention of everyone. Replacement foam would be a nice idea.

Yeah, that’s a very good point. Good work guys.

I have the opposite problem (and have an typical western face shape), I have been considering making the foam thicker, as I can see the vertical edges of the screen on the left and right, and if push it firmly against my face I can see the top edge too. Perhaps my peripheral vision is better than average, anyone else seeing this / fixed this?

I’m the same. My IPD is 67mm, and if I wear the headset as tight as I normally wear every other headset I own (which is reasonably tight, as is my preference) I can see the edges of the screen in my peripheral vision.

As for the FOV itself, I would say it’s comparable to my 2016 Gear VR, which according to Samsung/Oculus offers a 101° FOV (again, I wear it tight enough that I can just see the edges of the display in my peripheral vision). My Rift does a little better, but really not by much.

I would say that although the PIMAX 4K doesn’t offer an industry-leading FOV, it’s certainly not dramatically lower than what is normal for the current state of VR. Not in my experience anyway.

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