Help! Pimax Experience and game screens canted

Hi Guys,
Everything was working great last night- but today… Jeez. I fired up pitools and the PE and my view was canted about 20 degrees left corner up to right corner down. (attached screenshot) The left right tool at the top of the middle frame works, but the circle shaped rotation tool does not. (it did last night). Anybody else had this happen?

is there some setting to fix this?

Yes, this has happened to me a few times also. Sometimes it will auto-correct itself but when it doesn’t the only way I’ve been able to fix it is to restart the HMD. Apparently when using the 9-axis mode instead of base stations there is a “Horizontal Calibration” function in Pitool that would correct this. This option is not provided when using base stations though because I assume that it is not supposed to happen. @Alex.liu @PimaxQuorra is the “Horizontal Calibration” function of pitool, that is present when using the internal gyroscopes, something that can be added to pitool when using base stations also? Either that or something needs to be done to figure out why this sometimes happens.

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Thanks for the quick response- as it happens, i’m in 9 axis mode while I wait for my replacement base stations from Pimax. (Support was actually very good to deal with!) So I’ll try the horizontal calibration thing in pitools!
There’s no problem so small that I can’t misunderstand it, nor no mistake so stupid that I can’t make it.

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Oh yeah, then the horizontal calibration tool will definitely fix it for you. The only reason I know about that is because of a video from @CaptainDaedalus. I was trying to figure out why I didn’t have the option in my Pitool.


That worked! Thanks so much. YOU are the champion, my friend!



We have pinged @SweViver here to help.
He knows more about the PE tips.


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Sorry I didn’t see your post until now :slight_smile:
Although I see you already found the horizontal calibration tool in PiTool and that it helped :slight_smile: currently the option is not available in PE but when the team adds that argument to the PiTool->PE communication, I will add it to PE as well

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Could you anticipate some details about how this communication works?

For now, we keep the communication channel as a little secret :wink: just for security reasons. Its local at least, so very low risk of abuse.