Hellblade 4k lenshots on lg g6

These are some through the lens pics of Hellblade. Default lg g6 camera settings. No zoom

P4k Settings:

  • Render 1.25
  • Brightness 2

Steamvr SS Default.
Hellblade set to High (very high seems to crash).

Computer Win10 Pro

  • Zotac mini 1080 ti (default settings)
  • i5-6500 no overclock
  • 16g ddr4 2400 (2 sticks)

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What FPS did you get?

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That not sure but keep in mind the 4k is limited to 60hz

I am getting some stuttering so should try changing pi render to 1.0.

My zotac mini is closer to reference design of the 1080 ti.

Not easy to setup the shots :laughing:.

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If you know of a way to activate fps in headset will try & get more details

Does this work for the 4K?
edit: fpsVR on Steam

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It might. Though may need to dig out the razer hydra if can’t setup without motion controllers

Here is a through the lense video. Bit definitely need to work on technique not as good as it could be.

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Last time I test the game and compare the scale resolution between 100 and 400, when looking to the wood hill, I can know the clarity is important by this game.

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I found Medium settings seems to be smoother.