Headstrap with ear-phones - how detachable? What is the difference to the headstrap without earphones?

I’m planning to use the Ossic X ear phones that I am waiting for, which might revolutionize 3d audio headphones.

Are the headphones detachable enough to allow for the Ossic X to be comfortable over the strap?

Hi, the headphones of headstrap is not detachable. You may select one without headphones at your request.

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Thank you. I just updated the pledge to add the head strap without earphones as well.
Nice to have both.

Houston, we have a problem here

@Shigawire poke

p.s. spent more than a hour to find this info X_x

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@Shigawire The idea behind the audio headset is not bad, but whats the current status? Kickstarter says 'delivery end of 2016/early 2017", it’s almost end of 2017 and they are still not in market yet?
Did you got yours already? Was it kickstarter? How is it?

@Matthew.Xu Is this another miscommunication internally?

The OssicX will be shipped out soon for some people. I’ll get mine in Feb most likely.

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Its not so much a miscommunication. But rather the team making a change based on community’s feedback.

At the time of your question, support’s answer was correct. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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Does that mean they are totally detachable now?