Headset issues: Blurry Screen, Gyro Drift, and CPU usage

Hello Pimax,

I just wanted to give a bit of feedback on exactly the issues I’m having with my headset. Figured I’d get it down on screen so that Pimax can read it when they get back from their absurd holiday. I’ve heard from various others mentioning similar results.

Firstly, the blurry screen. This seems to be focused around two issues. The image is sharp just below the middle of the screen, but the actual middle is blurry. I assume this is related to the optics Also the antifog lines are really distracting when moving around on solid color backgrounds. I’m running Firmware 248 and the latest beta (1.2.33). I’ve tried various IPD settings. Oh and lots of Chromatic Abrasion as my eyes move from the center of the screen.

The gyro drift wasn’t an issue for the first week or so, but now I can be sitting in BigScreen or Virtual Desktop and after about 15 minutes my monitors will be off to my right without me rotating. The tilt gyro also generally has the horizon rotated slightly counter clockwise, although it never gets worse.

Lastly we have the issue with CPU use and the Pimax software. I’ve tracked down the biggest culprit to pi_server.exe. For me it sits around 20% use, even if SteamVR isn’t running. Also Piplay.exe likes to sit at around 30%, but I kill that app before launching steamvr and it works.

I can see some real promise in this device for sure, the screen is good, the picture is certainly bright enough for me, it’s comfortable, and it’s cheap. I just need to know how many of the issues can get resolved before I have to pack the unit up and return it.

Thank you for your support,

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I have owned a Pimax 4k now for two months. I agree with the post. The two main problems I have is blurry lenses and yaw (gyro) drift.

First the blurry lenses. I did check with customer support about my pimax but because my serial number begins with 1006 they claim I have the corrected lenses already. I have to wear reading glasses to see a clear image. I have 20/20 vision. I do not have to wear reading glasses with my Oculus Rift CV1. Also the poster is correct even with reading glasses the center is still a little blurry and the edges clear. I have the IPD correctly set for me which is 59. The vertical wires I can ignore but there must be a way to fix the blur problem without me having to wear reading glasses.

The gyro problem (yaw drift). I use Whirlgig as my movie viewer. I have a huge collection of 3D blu ray movies that I watch on my Pimax. I have to keep the xbox controller by my hand because every 5 to 10 minutes I have to hit the re-center button to center the movie image. This is really annoying. There has to be a firmware fix for this. Yes I am running the latest firmware and pimax software.

On the plus side the picture (with reading glasses) is sharper then my Oculus Riff CV1 and the pimax headphones sound great. It would be perfect for watching my 3D movies if the two problems were fixed.

I do not have the CPU issue mentioned above. Pimax everyone is complaining about these issues. Are you guys working on fixes for this?
Your headset would be perfect if you fixed these two things.